Samantha Traynor
Kelly Chambers
Gabriella Daniels
What's on your mind?
Samantha Traynor
Kelly Chambers
Gabriella Daniels
The Lawson sisters are an underutilized duo in the trilogy. Who wants to see more of what Miranda and Oriana are up to post-ME3? Either in the next game, a comic, or a novel?
I am so furious I cannot even think my game bugged out and the nomad keeps randomly flying up spinning then exploding on kadara since it is needed for the final mission and without it getting around takes much much longer I don't even know how i'm supposed to keep playing apparently when this bug sets in and infects all your saves apparently the best option is to reread do the whole game even though it there's apparently no guarantee this won't happen again and there's no fix for this any input is this welcome thanks.
Haii I recently got Andromeda (mainly for the lore and combat) and was wondering who to romance. I'm sad I can't romance any Quarians so I was wondering who to romance after my recent refresh of playing the OG series again (fem paragon shep playthrough). Should I do Saren's daughter (Vetra Illusive man's daughter (Cora), asari, or someone else?
Hope you have gotten a C Sec permit for fireworks.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukah!
Joyous Kwanzaa!
Cheerful Solstice!
Whatever anyone celebrates, let the Happiness be Plentiful, and the Loot be Epic. 🎄
Just had a weird thought while talking to Vigil, right before finishing my second playthrough of ME1. Is it supposed to look and "feel" like it is one of those "biblically accurate angels"? Far less panic-inducing of course.
The constant spininng digital paterns, one of which would stand right above or around it's head if Vigil had a holographic humanoid form, the booming but calm voice and essentially being the holder of every single answer we need to stop Saren and the Reapers... for the time being. Destiny has a lot of allusions to religion, so I wouldn't be surprised if ME also incorporated some of the ideas and imagery into it's own universe.
For a few months now, I have been thinking about if there was more to Mass Effect 3's ending than was shown, and by that, I mean the color that radiates from the Citadel at the end, and that theory, or maybe headcanon, is this: what if each color is meant to be a safeword for all the reapers, where each color represents a different non-harvesting function?
So I recently replayed andromeda and I'm kinda getting deeper into it before people say anything i do prefer the trilogy obviously but there are some things i did kinda like: the kett while a bunch of nothing burgers do have interesting lines about a Senate, the religious aspect is interesting and the fact they have vasal species os interesting meaning escalation isn't necessarily normal, the jardaan/remnant builders are a cool concept, the remnant are pretty interesting they reminded me of the faro bots from horizon zero dawn and the angarra are kinda interesting and suvi, drack and jaal are pretty good characters obviously not to the extent of legion, garrus, tali and wrex but still better than Jacob and Jenkins obviously idk maybe it's just me but with more time to polish it andromeda might have actually been pretty good idk probably just me
On Peak 15, would it be a glitch if I was able to accept more than one mission from people who have garage keys to Peak 15, yet can finish more than one after I get the garage key? I ask because the first time I played it, that's what happened, but in every other playthrough, I was only allowed to finish one
I notice how the ME wiki only has walkthroughs and information on the lore and characters. It doesn't have the meticulous detail other wikis have like Wookiepedia, I'm saying we have do this but Mass Effect has (or had, the information is spotty) a theme park ride! That's deserving of an article if you ask me.
This post is mainly an ask if I could create articles like this, about merch, VAs, ect.
Best and Worst Companion in the Mass Effect lore?
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I ask because I have one playlist in mind of someone playing ME1 (actually, two people, one stream), and one regular video explaining how one can get past the Suicide Mission without incurring any losses
151 Votes in Poll
122 Votes in Poll
I decided to ask you people, what kind of ending did Javik meet in ME3? Remembering what choices this character had throughout, I begin to think that if he is forced to go through all the pain that is stored in the Echo-Shard, then his end is too sad. Yes, he awoke in a cycle where everything he valued was destroyed, but he learned, adapted, and eventually shared his "military wisdom" with the Normandy crew and others around him.
I understand that for a weary warrior, ending his journey beside the graves of his comrades might seem like a "good" ending, but is it really so? He did consider that, had he been born in Shepard's cycle (let’s call it that), he might have become a noble scientist. That option didn't come to pass, but it doesn’t change the fact that he could still become a "mentor" to others (He even suggested the idea of writing a book with Liara.) as well as experience this new cycle from the other side, not only from the military.
So, despite the fact that my choices during my first playthrough led to (in my opinion) the "sad" ending for Javik, I expressed my opinion on this matter, and I think a character like him deserves more than just to be the "last voice that falls silent." Please share your opinions too if you’re interested in this topic.
Most of the time, classes don't have any bearing on the plot of the games, but if you're Paragon, I recommend playing as engineer, especially in 3, because of the Omega DLC
Nomad keeps exploding on kadara I have tried everything I can think of and it is driving me crazy any help would be appreciated.
Hi, I really need help with this question I have 6500-7000 war assets in Mass effect 3 legendary edition I don't know if this is enough for the final mission though because I keep hearing different amounts I can't find any consistency in the answer does anyone know what the actual amounts are for the three final choices all I want is enough to get synthesis ending