Granat podnoszący — specjalna moc granatu która po styczności z wrogiem unosi ich często poza mapę. Jeśli granat nie trafi w locie na wroga wybucha po kilkunastu sekundach.
Power Ranks[]
Rank 1: Lift Grenade[]
Throw this grenade into a group of enemies to send them flying.
- Damage: 450 (900 multiplayer)
- Radius: 5 m
- Duration: 4 sec
Rank 2: Max Grenades[]
Increase grenade capacity by 1.
Rank 3: Damage[]
Increase damage by 20%.
- Damage: 540 (1080 multiplayer)
Rank 4: Damage/Radius[]
Damage Increase damage by 30%.
Radius Increase impact radius by 30%.
Rank 5: Max Grenades/Duration[]
Max Grenades Increase grenade capacity by 2. |
Duration Increase power duration by 50%.
Rank 6: Slam/Damage & Radius[]
Slam Slam floating targets to the ground as Lift wears off, stunning them for 3 seconds. |
Damage & Radius Increase damage by 30%.