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ME3 Armor-Piercing ArrowsArmor-Piercing Arrows is a tech grenade power in Mass Effect 3's multiplayer mode.

Power Ranks[]

Rank 1: Armor-Piercing Arrows[]

Load 3 armor-piercing charges into your omni-bow to increase damage and the number of arrows fired simultaneously. When you run out of these armor-piercing charges, you will fire normal arrows again.

Highly effective against armor.
Consumes a grenade.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 1
  • Damage: 75
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Rank 2: Grenade Capacity[]

Increase grenade capacity by 1.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 2
  • Damage: 75
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Rank 3: Damage[]

Increase damage by 20%.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 2
  • Damage: 90
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Rank 4: Damage/Grenade Capacity[]


Increase damage by 30%.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 2
  • Damage: 112.50
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Grenade Capacity

Increase grenade capacity by 1.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 3
  • Damage: 90
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Rank 5: Shred/Armor Damage[]


Shreds targets, doing an additional 50% damage over 5 seconds.

Armor Damage

Increase damage done to armor by 35% to weaken the target's armor resistance to weapons by 50% for 8 seconds.

Rank 6: Arrow Count/Grenade Capacity[]

Arrow Count

Increase the number of arrows released per shot by 1.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 2 (Damage), 3 (Grenade Capacity)
  • Damage: 112.50 (Damage), 90 (Grenade Capacity)
  • Arrows Per Shot: 6

Grenade Capacity

Increase grenade capacity by 2.

  • Bonus Grenade Capacity: 4 (Damage), 5 (Grenade Capacity)
  • Damage: 112.50 (Damage), 90 (Grenade Capacity)
  • Arrows Per Shot: 5

Player Notes[]

  • Grenade powers do not have a recharge time and, thus, can be used immediately at any time, provided grenades are available. Using the power consumes one grenade each time.
  • If the player has multiple grenade powers, the grenade pool is shared between them.
  • Damage values are added on top of the regular damage done by the omni-bow.
  • Only one arrow power can be active at a time.

