Mass Effect Wiki
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An asari in the Presidium Commons needs a statue from the Hesperia period to help with Crucible research. Find one in the Athena Nebula and deliver it to her.

Alternative journal entry:
A statue from the asari Hesperia period was recovered from the Athena Nebula. Find someone on the Citadel who can use it.


Listen in on the asari scientist sitting at the Bank area of the Presidium Commons. You will find her only after you stop Udina's coup.

Alternatively, a Search and Rescue operation in the Athena Nebula will yield the statue and this mission's journal entry. In this case it is labeled Citadel: Hesperia Period Statue.


Coups are no excuse to stop working

Scan the gas giant Polissa in the Vernio system of the Athena Nebula to find the statue. Once acquired, deliver it to the asari. She needs the statue for some classified project because it has highly accurate Prothean inscriptions, and she has no pictures of the thing.

You will gain 5 Reputation, 15,000 credits and an update to the Alliance Engineering Corps War Asset.
