Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayArmstrong NebulaGrissom System First planet

Prerequisite: UNC: Geth Incursions (Mass Effect)


Benda has a dense atmosphere of sulphur dioxide and chlorine. Though technically classified as a "terrestrial" world, the surface of the planet has never cooled enough for a crust to form. It is a global sea of molten rock. Like Zaherux, its atmosphere is being blasted away by the solar wind. Once its thick atmosphere is gone, Benda's surface will be a "mere" 400 degree C.

Survey Text[]

“Scans of Benda uncovered an ancient salarian vessel. A small team was dispatched to search for valuables. The only item of value recovered was a League of One.”



  • 734 Benda, discovered in 1912 by Johann Palisa, is a minor planet in the asteroid belt separating Mars and Jupiter.
  • Zaherux, the second planet in the system, has an orbital period three times shorter then Benda. This suggests a probable writing error.