Location: Milky Way / Crescent Nebula / Tasale System / First planet
While not a classical "hothouse" world like Venus, Beregalae [sic] is scarcely more hospitable. In addition to being closest to the star Tasale, its core contains many radioactives and other heavy elements. These increase the heat of the planets [sic] and drive volcanism.
Beregale's crust is too rigid for plate tectonics to function, and the planet will go through cycles in which the pressure builds to a massive super volcanic eruption. These spew ejecta over thousands of kilometers, leave caldera a hundred kilometers across, and spew enough molten material to repave entire continents. The last such event was 812,000 years ago; the current rate of outgassing from volcanic hotspots suggests another will occur within the next ten millennia.
Mineral Deposits[]
Initial Scanner Result: Rich
Mineral | Amount | Approximate Value |
Palladium | High | 15,000 |
Platinum | Medium | 5,000 |
Iridium | Medium | 7,300 |
Element Zero | None | 0 |