Location: Milky Way / The Shrike Abyssal / Urla Rast System / First planet
Prerequisite: Star Chart from Baria Frontiers store or N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay (Mass Effect 2)
Prerequisite: Priority: Palaven (Mass Effect 3)
Named "the shining sea" in an old volus language, Bovis Tor is so named for its boiling surface rich in glowing-hot alumina, flecked with dark ridges of carbon. Its thick atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen is no indicator of life, since the temperatures are simply too high.
Mineral Deposits[]
Initial Scanner Result: Rich
Mineral | Amount | Approximate Value |
Palladium | High | 13,400 |
Platinum | Low | 3,800 |
Iridium | Medium | 5,100 |
Element Zero | None | 0 |