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Captain Enyala is an asari commando and a captain in the Eclipse mercenary band on Illium. Commander Shepard encounters her while assisting Miranda on her loyalty mission.

Enyala was hired by Miranda's father to "rescue" his daughter Oriana. She worked with Miranda's friend Niket, who was bribed into betraying Miranda. Niket agrees to work with Enyala, but only as long as he can handle Oriana's transfer, so that there would be no trauma to her adoptive family. When Miranda confronts Niket and threatens to kill him, Shepard can choose to stop her. If Shepard does, then Enyala will kill Niket herself. However, Enyala is killed in the ensuing battle.



Enyala is a Vanguard, and will behave similarly to the Eclipse Vanguard in combat. She wields a M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun, in addition to her biotics. If she is at shotgun-ineffective range, she will use her Warp ability to weaken her target before closing in to deal massive damage with her shotgun.


She is considered a boss, and thus possesses a strong biotic barrier, is thickly armored, and has a lot of health.


  • Being surrounded by her Eclipse allies of varying difficulty and combat style, it is difficult to focus solely on Enyala. Defeating her, especially on higher difficulties, will revolve around forcing her to retreat by dropping her defensive layers in between dispatching her allies. If left unchecked, her allies can quickly kill Shepard's squad while their attention is drawn.
  • Enyala will more often than not try to close with Shepard and Shepard alone, but occasionally you can get lucky and she decides not to come straight for you. Even if that happens though, always keep an eye on her so she doesn't sneak up on you unexpectedly.
  • Stasis is one of the best strategies to use against Enyala; she is not immune to it and will be frozen for the duration and ragdolled after the freeze ends, making her extremely vulnerable to weapon damage and also unable to move or attack. A level 1 Stasis should be more than sufficient to neutralize her but Enhanced Stasis can be used repeatedly without making her immune.
  • Anti-barrier powers and weapons such as Warp, Reave, Warp Ammo, and the Geth Plasma Shotgun should be used to drop her barrier and then anti-armor powers and weapons should be used against her armor. Sniper rifles can be tricky to try to use against her as her Warp can knock you out of scoped mode.
  • Enyala, like other enemy Vanguards, is capable of regenerating her barrier if left alone so try to kill her before she can do this. She tends to recharge her barrier only once her armor bar is completely gone.
  • Once Enyala has only health remaining, disabling abilities such as Throw and Cryo Blast will effectively remove her as a threat. The challenge is eliminating her armor and barrier before she can close to lethal shotgun range.
  • Combat Drones can be used to distract her, but she is capable of one-shotting them with her shotgun.
  • Flashbang Grenade can be used to both stagger Enyala and disable her biotic powers for the duration, even if she's still protected by barriers or armor. This is useful as Enyala's Warp deals high damage and can stagger you or force you to cover while trying to line up shots on her at range.
  • Kasumi's Shadow Strike can do massive damage and stagger Enyala, and it also distracts her for a few seconds when Kasumi appears next to her. The temporary invulnerability granted to Kasumi by the power also makes it useful for saving Kasumi if she's in trouble.
  • A useful strategy is to immediately head towards the short dead-end hallway to the right of the elevator that you arrived in, eliminate the Vanguard, and place your allies into the cul-de-sac while Shepard stays behind the roughly L-shaped cover straight ahead coming out of the elevator. This positioning allows you to keep most enemies at bay, allowing you to focus on Enyala without being flanked.
  • A simple solution for low difficulties is to fire a shot from the Cain in her vicinity, resulting in an instant kill. The M-490 Blackstorm can work similarly well without massive overkill and over-expenditure of ammo, with the added bonus that while the Singularity projectile is active and building towards detonation, Enyala will be chain stunned and take incremental damage as well.


  • Using Dominate on Captain Enyala elicits a unique response: she can clearly be heard saying "I'm sorry, sister" each time she is forced to turn on her fellow Eclipse.
  • Enyala can also sometimes be heard telling her troops "Remember, Lawson is mine."