This category contains articles relating to the Andromeda Initiative in Mass Effect: Andromeda.
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Cora Harper -
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Andromeda Initiative -
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Keelah Si'yah -
Jarun Tann
All items (247)
- File:A better beginning - bradley addison touchdown.png
- File:A better beginning - introducing the nomad.png
- File:A better beginning - nexus leadership at pathfinder hq.png
- File:A better beginning - prodromos touchdown.png
- File:A better beginning - scanning reconstruction.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 boundaries.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 building labels.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 outpost central control exterior.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 outpost central control.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 power pylon.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 power relay station.png
- File:A better beginning - start from somewhere.png
- Alec Ryder
- Amos Galloway
- File:Anan T'Mari charshot.png
- Andromeda Initiative Embassy
- Anixian
- File:Anixian charshot.png
- File:Annihilation - Keelah Si'yah kloseup.png
- August Bradley
- File:August Bradley charshot.png
- File:AVP cryo development perks dramatis personae.png
- File:Aya - Andromeda Initiative Embassy.png
- Cain Fawkes
- File:Cain Fawkes charshot.png
- File:Cal merchant charshot.png
- Camden
- File:Chief Lucan charshot.png
- File:Christmas charshot.png
- Clancy Arquist
- File:Codex MEA - Andromeda Initiative Golden Worlds.png
- File:Codex MEA - Andromeda Initiative Launch.png
- File:Codex MEA - Andromeda Initiative Militia and APEX.png
- File:Codex MEA - Andromeda Initiative Nexus Uprising.png
- File:Codex MEA - Cora Harper.png
- File:Codex MEA - Dr. Ellen Ryder.png
- File:Codex MEA - Gil Brodie.png
- File:Codex MEA - Glossary of Terms.png
- File:Codex MEA - Jaal Ama Darav.png
- File:Codex MEA - Kallo Jath.png
- File:Codex MEA - Known Associates folder + Alec Ryder main.png
- File:Codex MEA - Lexi T'Perro.png
- File:Codex MEA - Liam Kosta.png
- File:Codex MEA - Nakmor Drack.png
- File:Codex MEA - Pathfinders AI Partners.png
- File:Codex MEA - Pathfinders folder + Asari Pathfinder main.png
- File:Codex MEA - Pathfinders Implants.png
- File:Codex MEA - Pathfinders Salarian Pathfinder.png
- File:Codex MEA - Pathfinders Turian Pathfinder.png
- File:Codex MEA - Peebee.png
- File:Codex MEA - Role of a Pathfinder.png
- File:Codex MEA - SAM.png
- File:Codex MEA - Sara Ryder.png
- File:Codex MEA - Scott Ryder.png
- File:Codex MEA - Suvi Anwar.png
- File:Codex MEA - The Andromeda Initiative folder + main.png
- File:Codex MEA - The Initiative folder + Jien Garson main.png
- File:Codex MEA - Vetra Nyx.png
- Cody Holdren
- File:Cody Holdren charshot.png
- File:Cora charshot 3.png
- Cora Harper
- File:Cora loyalty - Leusinia approach 2.png
- Cultural Center Liaison
- File:Cultural Center Liaison charshot.png
- Cultural Exchange
- File:Cultural Exchange - Pathfinder VI setup.png
- Dale Atkins
- Darla vas Hyperion
- David Fisher
- File:David Fisher charshot.png
- Davis Qar
- File:Davis Qarshot.png
- Del Jasin
- Ditaeon
- File:Doc Aridana charshot.png
- File:Doc Camden charshot.png
- File:Doc Carlyle charshot 1.png
- File:Doc Mesha Lannok charshot.png
- Dru Senecus
- File:Dru Senecus.png
- Dusty Kirkland
- File:Dusty Kirkland charshot.png
- File:Dutch Smith charshot.png
- File:Eos - research center development.png
- File:Eos - Sheartop forward station.png
- File:Eos - Site 1 Promise after.png
- File:Eos - Site 1 Promise b4.png
- File:Eos - Site 2 Resilience after.png
- File:Eos - Site 2 Resilience b4.png
- Evan Bell-Scott
- File:Excess baggage - unlocked audio log.png
- File:Habitat 7 - Alec's biotic profile.png
- File:Habitat 7 - Alec's combat profile.png
- File:Habitat 7 - Alec's engineering profile.png
- File:Habitation Deck - SAM Node.png
- File:Hainly Abrams charshot.png
- Harry Carlyle
- Hayes
- Heleus News Service
- Heleus News Service Reports
- File:Heleus News Service.png
- File:HNS Breaking News.png
- File:Home and Away - Atrium activity.webp
- File:Home and Away - eyes on you.webp
- File:Home and Away - Nexus leadership powerwalk.webp
- File:Home and Away - squad moment.webp
- File:Home and Away - watup party pipol.webp
- Hunter Kerry
- File:Hunter Kharshot.png
- File:Hunting the Archon - cryopod monte.png
- File:Hunting the Archon - dead Pathfinder (allegedly) + goodies.png
- File:Hunting the Archon - Paarchero cryo corridor.png
- File:Hunting the Archon - salarian spec ops 2.webp
- Hyperion
- File:Hyperion - RGB asari.png
- Nakmor Kesh
- Natanus
- File:Natanus orbital.png
- Nels
- File:Nels charshot.png
- Nesi Cartar
- File:Nexus + 3 arks.png
- File:Nexus - Tann's first office.png
- File:Nexus - Tann's Pathfinder HQ office.png
- File:Nexus - Vetra at the docking bay.png
- File:Nexus Cultural Exchange.png
- File:Nexus reunion - Hyperion arrival.png
- File:Nexus reunion - power shortage meeting.png
- File:Nexus reunion - speak with Tann.png
- File:Nexus reunion - the one guy still working.png
- File:Nexus reunion - welcome party.png
- Nigel McCoy
- File:Nigel McCoy charshot.png
- Nilken Rensus
- File:Nilken Rensus.png
- Nora Tallis
- File:Nora Tallis.png
- Paarchero
- File:Paarchero orbital.png
- File:Parcero Paarchero.png
- File:Planetside - beleaguered teammates.png
- File:Planetside - boltbreaker.png
- File:Planetside - Fisher out of commission.png
- File:Planetside - Greer ded.png
- File:Planetside - Habitat 7 hold the line.png
- File:Planetside - half-dead tripping.png
- File:Planetside - Kirkland before demise.png
- File:Planetside - prisoner Greer.png
- File:Planetside - signs of alien civilization.png
- File:Planetside - tolerad.png
- File:Planetside - upper chamber collectibles.png
- File:Port Meridian - multicolor ladies.png