Barla Von has provided the location of Shadow Broker forces trapped in the Dranek system, inside the Krogan DMZ. Recruit them to the war effort and return to Barla Von.
Find and speak to Liara at Apollo's Cafe in the Presidium Commons during your second (or later) visit to the Citadel. She tells you to contact Barla Von regarding a mercenary group that can be recruited for the war effort. He is located behind the counter at Presidium Commons Bank. Talk to him for more information. Note that you will not see the mission on your journal until you talk to the volus.
The Krogan DMZ is only available after Priority: Sur'Kesh, a few events after the earliest time you can acquire the mission. Proceed to the cluster and then to Dranek. Scan the planet Rothla to find the Shadow Broker Wet Squad, a valuable War Asset. Once you have procured the War Asset, travel back to the Citadel and speak with Barla Von to complete the mission. The rewards are 5 reputation and 120 experience.
Note: This mission must be completed before launching Priority: Tuchanka. Intervening events will reshape the Citadel's contents before you can visit again in a noncombatant capacity, one of which is Barla Von being absent from his post going forward.