You convinced Rebekah to get the gene therapy that will ensure her child a life free from heart disease. She and Michael reconciled their differences.
Alternative journal entry:
You convinced Michael to respect Rebekah's wishes concerning her unborn child. She and Michael have reconciled their differences.
Alternative journal entry:
You were unable to help Rebekah and Michael resolve their differences regarding what kind of therapy Rebekah's unborn child should have. Hopefully they will work out the problem on their own.
This assignment becomes available after completing any of the main mission worlds, i.e. Therum, Noveria or Feros. When you return to the Citadel, Rebekah Petrovsky and Michael Petrovsky are standing next to the Rapid Transit stop outside Barla Von's office.
This assignment's journal entry is only acquired once it has actually been resolved one way or another.
Rebekah Petrovsky's husband, Jacob, died recently of a rare heart condition, and Rebekah is carrying his baby. Apparently, there's a risk the baby could develop the same heart condition, and Jacob's brother Michael thinks Rebekah should get the condition corrected with in-utero gene therapy. Rebekah disagrees; she's been reading extranet reports that say this gene therapy could be dangerous, and there are other - admittedly less effective - treatments available.
This assignment only requires you to argue for or against Rebekah getting the therapy, or stay neutral. Persuading the couple for or against therapy yields XP and morality points, and requires Charm or Intimidate points in either view. +8 Paragon or +9 Renegade is awarded from the respective options.
You also gain a codex entry if you explored their issue and haven't acquired it from Rafael Vargas in Noveria: Smuggling. Opting out after hearing them out yields the codex entry, a journal resolution notice, and no other rewards. Opting out before hearing them out only yields the journal resolution notice.
Mass Effect 2 Consequences[]
Rebekah and Michael will be arguing again over the child and Jacob's legacy as his father. Jake is named after his father's nickname, and is a year old in 2185. His mother and uncle can be found on the 26th floor of the Zakera Market, though you will not be able to intervene this time.
If you let Rebekah decide what's best for the child, Michael can be heard calling Jake a "perfectly fine toddler" now. If you convinced her to do the gene therapy, Rebekah's prejudice against them seems to be gone and they will be discussing further modifications to Jake. Michael, when prompted by Rebekah, will eventually say "I don't know. Maybe we should ask random people on the street what they think". Rebekah can't make up her mind as she vacillates over several possible alternatives.
Mass Effect 3 Consequences[]
Rebekah and Michael can be found on the Presidium Commons (post Priority: Palaven), again arguing over Jake. The crux of their argument this time is the issue of socializing Jake by keeping him in daycare compared to concerns for his safety in the midst of the Reaper War. Simply supporting them to do whatever is best for their family will net you 2 Reputation points. If the assignment was completed in Mass Effect, Shepard will mention remembering the couple from their previous interaction.
- Within the game's internal data, this assignment is known as "(Citadel:) More Human than Human". This is a reference to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, a science-fiction novel, or to its film adaptation, Blade Runner, which has served as inspiration for Mass Effect at different points.[1]
- ↑ Plot Database: all plot elements related to Citadel: Family Matter start with "LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Roleplaying_Plots.RP114_More_Human_than_Human."