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Mass Effect Wiki

The Normandy's doctor has noted a group in the refugee camp that has military medical supplies but needs simple civilian necessities. Meet Tactus in the refugee camp to broker a trade.


After returning to the Normandy from the Citadel you will be notified by Specialist Traynor that the medical officer (either Dr. Chakwas or Dr. Michel) wishes to speak with you. Go speak to her.


Tactus with a bunch of despairing refugees behind him

Go to the Docks: Holding Area in the Citadel and head to the refugee medical center in Cargo Hold B. There you will find a turian named Tactus on the right hand side. Talk to him.

If you have enough reputation, you'll be able to swap supplies as Chakwas/Michel had suggested through Charm or Intimidate. If those dialogue options aren't available or you want a larger morality point reward, you can give your supplies away asking nothing in return for +15 Paragon points. Asking Tactus to reconsider will result in the same conversation again. Whatever you decide, speak with the medical officer to finish this mission.

You will gain 5 Reputation, 375 experience, and the Med Bay Surgery intel. If the mission was completed through Charm or Intimidation, you may also receive one of two upgrades. If Dr. Chakwas is your medical officer, you receive the Efficiency Increase Medi-Gel Upgrade, which provides a 50% probability[1] that a unit of medi-gel is not expended when Shepard heals the squad. If Dr. Michel is the medical officer, you receive a medi-gel capacity increase, allowing two additional medi-gels to be carried.

Note: For subsequent playthroughs with the same character, the medi-gel upgrade will carry over. As such, it may be prudent to recruit Dr. Michel on a first playthrough, then Dr. Chakwas on a second (or vice versa) to gain the benefit of both variations of the upgrade. You can't receive either upgrade more than once per character.

