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Mass Effect Wiki

Combat Tools is a passive Combat skill in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Skill Ranks[]

Specialized training that allows the user to expertly wield jump-jets and melee weapons in combat.

Rank Label Icon Description Bonus
1 Power Damage Increases combat power damage with each skill point invested in the Combat Skill Group. +2% Combat Power Damage
2 Melee Increases melee damage with each skill point invested in the Combat Skill Group. +2% Melee Damage
3 Detonators Increases combo detonation damage from combat detonators with each skill point invested in the Combat Skill Group. +2% Combat Detonator Damage Bonus
4 Hover Improves hover duration and gun accuracy while hovering. +50% Hover Duration

+25% Weapon Accuracy While Airborne

4 Evasion Reduces incoming damage while evading. +100 Damage Resistance While Evading
5 Aerial Melee Improves melee damage and radius while jumping. +20% Jump Melee Damage

+40% Jump Melee Area of Effect Radius

5 Detonators - +30% Combat Detonator Damage Bonus
6 Aerial Combat Reduces incoming damage while hovering. Improves hover duration and gun accuracy while hovering. +30 Damage Resistance While Airborne

+100% Hover Duration
+40% Weapon Accuracy While Airborne

6 Martial Arts Improves melee damage with each melee hit (including kills) performed. Ends after no melee kill has been performed for 10 sec. Melee Bonus Per Hit: 5%

Melee Bonus Per Kill: 20%
Max Melee Bonus: 65%

Player Notes[]

  • Combat Tools is a passive skill that is always active.
  • Notes about the skill's strategies

