Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
For a list of locations and vendors where the player can obtain supplies and equipment, see Merchants Guide.
Corporations often seek worlds with less restrictive laws friendly to their interests

Corporations are important business entities in an interstellar society, funding research and development of new technologies, establishing new colonies, providing security, reporting news, serving food and drink, and supplying all manner of other goods and services demanded by galactic consumers. Businesses can range in size from mammoth enterprises with multiple subsidiaries operating across many worlds, all the way down to small shops run by lone proprietors.

Many arms manufacturers sign exclusive contracts with alien governments, whose militaries then use only the weapons, armor, or omni-tools sold by those corporations. Military personnel serving aboard space-faring vessels often employ dedicated requisitions officers whose job it is to liaise with various suppliers to obtain necessary combat hardware; this often requires them to possess armory licenses for a particular company's products.

Mercenaries, outlaws, or bounty hunters on the other hand use equipment obtained through a variety of sources and means, some more legitimate than others. It's also worth noting that the larger and more organized mercenary groups are themselves corporate entities.

Known Corporations[]

Bioengineering and Biotechnology[]


Colonization and Exploration[]


Entertainment and Hospitality[]

Media and Communications[]

Mining and Energy[]

Private Military Corporations[]

Restaurants and Food Suppliers[]



Vehicle Design and Manufacture[]

Weapons and Personal Defense[]

