The Cultural Center Liaison manages the Cultural Exchange on the Nexus.
The liaison was a sociologist back in the Milky Way. She had plenty of cultures to study, but she felt she had nothing new to add as the books on them were already written. She wanted to meet new people and see how they've adapted to life. The Andromeda Initiative gave her a chance to do just that, and she signed up at the earliest opportunity.
Mass Effect: Andromeda[]
The liaison greets visitors to the facility and encourages them to look around. If Pathfinder Ryder talks to her, she may share some background about herself and the place. She's also aware of the kett, although she regrets they're one race they won't be inviting to the Cultural Center anytime soon. She's thrilled to meet the angara once first contact has been established, though she understands their cautious nature and supposes it's up to the Pathfinder to cement a friendship with them.
The second time Ryder talks to her, the liaison wants them to reset the Pathfinder VI kiosk as it lost its settings in a crash.