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David Al Talaqani is a colonist living at Zhu's Hope on Feros.

When the Zhu's Hope colonists become aware of the SSV Normandy's arrival, David goes to the docking bay and greets Commander Shepard's team. He wants them to speak with colony leader Fai Dan immediately as the geth are assaulting the colony. He won't take no for an answer, and he gives the team directions to the colony proper. However, a Geth Shock Trooper shoots him shortly afterward, killing him.


  • Like Corporal Jenkins, Al Talaqani is a redshirt character.
  • There is a glitch in which Al Talaqani can be killed, avoiding the cutscene and preventing the three geth from appearing behind him.
  • The geth can also be prevented from killing Al Talaqani by using Sabotage or Overload on the wall behind him (setting a tech proximity mine) before talking to him. A carefully timed grenade thrown before talking to David can have the same effect.
  • Internal data sometimes refers to this character as "Badr Al Talaqani". Badr is a first name of Arabic origin, like Al Talaqani.[1]


  1. Al Talaqani's dialogue files are titled "war20_badraltalaqani"; Plot Database: LE1.CH2_Feros.Zhou's_Hope.Spoke_to__Badr_al_Talaqani (used in interactions with Al Talaqani)