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Del Jasin is a technician on the Nexus.

Mass Effect: Andromeda[]

When Pathfinder Ryder arrives on the Nexus after meeting Drack, Del Jasin can be overheard being berated by William Spender on the Docking Bay. Del requests for parts to fix the air filtration systems, but Spender deems it "frivolous", denies the application, and demands she make do.

After Spender leaves, Ryder can ask her if Spender is always such an abusive supervisor which she affirms. She suggests the Pathfinder should undermine Spender's reputation with the Nexus leadership in order to get him removed.

While working with Superintendent Nakmor Kesh, Del worries about reports Spender wants regarding their diversion of power from the lower decks. Kesh tells Del to ignore those, and assures her he'll be dealt with if he bothers her again. Later, Spender pesters Del by pretending to inspect her work and she relays this to Kesh. The krogan responds by cycling nearby airlocks. Del thanks her when Spender leaves.
