Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Dr. Brynn Cole in the facility on Arrae.

Dr. Brynn Cole is an ex-Cerberus scientist who studied the technology left behind by the Collectors.

Dr. Cole is voiced by Jo Wyatt.

Dr. Brynn Cole eventually cut ties with the Illusive Man, and is in a relationship with Jacob Taylor if he survived the Suicide Mission. She helps dozens of scientists and their families flee the organization. If Shepard manages to rescue her, she will join the Crucible Project, using the knowledge gained during her employment with Cerberus to help build the weapon.

Should Shepard find Jacob later on the Citadel in Huerta Memorial Hospital, Jacob reveals that he and Cole are in a relationship, and that she is carrying their child. She wishes to name their child after Commander Shepard, however Jacob plans to convince her otherwise.
