Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Disambiguous This article is about the Citadel store in Mass Effect 3. For the manufacturer, see Elkoss Combine.
ME3 Shops ElkossCombineArsenal
Inventory Item Price / Discounted
Geth Pulse Rifle1 10,000 / 9000
Javelin1 10,000 / 9000
Geth Plasma Shotgun1 10,000 / 9000
Arc Pistol1 10,000 / 9000
Shotgun Shredder Mod 4000 / 3600
Pistol High-Caliber Barrel 4000 / 3600
Shotgun Spare Thermal Clip 6000 / 5400
Shotgun Smart Choke 6000 / 5400
Pistol Magazine Upgrade 6000 / 5400
Hahne-Kedar Shoulder Guard 5000 / 4500
Kassa Fabrication Gauntlets1 5000 / 4500
Kassa Fabrication Greaves1 5000 / 4500
Cerberus Armor 50,000 / 45,000
E-Gel Thermal Conduit 1000 / 900
Aquarium VI 25,000 / 22,500
Model - Liveship 1000 / 900
Model - Geth Fighter 1000 / 900
Pistol Ultralight Materials2 (or 3) 4000 / 3600
Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle3 10000 / 9000
Blood Pack Punisher3 10000 / 9000
Executioner Pistol3 10000 / 9000
Geth Plasma SMG3 10000 / 9000
Reegar Carbine3 10000 / 9000
Striker Assault Rifle3 10000 / 9000

1 If not picked up during missions
2 Requires Mass Effect 3: Leviathan
3 Requires Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies is located at the Bank on the Presidium Commons of the Citadel. The terminal is just next to Barla Von.
