Elnora is an asari living in Nos Astra on Illium, and a member of a local Eclipse gang.
Commander Shepard might encounter Elnora in the Eclipse base, hiding behind a desk in a small room during the mission to recruit Samara. Despite wearing the Eclipse insignia, Elnora claims to be a new recruit and not truly a member of the group yet. She further claims that she signed on because she liked the idea of being "Elnora the mercenary" only to grow disillusioned with Eclipse's methods and principles, merely pretending to shoot at Shepard in their recent firefight. This story turns out to be a ruse to get the Commander's team to let its guard down while she draws her gun. Shepard can shoot her straight away or simply wait for her to stand down after realizing the folly of her plan. If Elnora isn't killed, Shepard orders her to leave, though first she may be questioned about an Ardat-Yakshi and the ship used by Elnora's fellow mercenaries to smuggle this individual off Illium.
Shepard may have previously learned that the local police, led by Detective Anaya, were investigating the murder of volus merchant Pitne For's business partner. Sometime after dealing with Elnora, Shepard can examine an audio log which reveals her excitement at becoming a full-fledged member of Eclipse and that she murdered a volus the night before recording the file as part of her initiation. Elnora took sadistic satisfaction in the kill, smugly anticipating her friends envying her recruitment.
Once Shepard's mission is complete, the Commander may bring this evidence to Detective Anaya. If Elnora was allowed to escape, Anaya promises to track her down; if she was killed, Anaya expresses relief, stating that it sounded like Elnora was just starting on her path of violence.