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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Biotic with out implants

Can't remember my old password but my old account was icestar. Anyway I've been wondering something. What are biotics like if they don't get implanted. I've seen talk about wild life using biotics. So lets say Liara gets her implant taken away would she no longer be able to throw you like a paper airplane?

IIRC, asari don't need implants, probably because they live long enough to be able to learn to get by without them. Implants basically help a biotic coordinate their nervous system enough to be able to do more than lift a pen or throw some bits of paper, so yeah, without implants most human biotics would basically not be able to do anything effective anymore. (I am not sure if other races need implants, it's only that in ME1 it's mentioned in one of the elevator conversations that asari don't need implants.) -- 12:17, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

As I recall, the technical term for impants is bio-amps, short for biotics amplifiers. So basically, you can think of how an amplifier works for sound: it takes the incoming signal and boosts it, which in the case of sound increases the volume. With biotics, it increases electrical impulse coming from the nerves being directed towards using a biotic power, which increases the dark energy being manipulated and as such the mass effect fields a biotic can create. Asari are naturally biotic, and they also have unique facility in directing their entire nervous system towards a goal, because of their method of reproduction. As a result, asari, who already have a naturally higher base biotic potential, have greater ease in directing their entire nervous system towards the effect they want and a long lifespan in which to practice. This is why asari can be formidable biotics without bio-amps. Humans, on the other hand, are not inherent biotics, but need in-utero eezo exposure to gain the talent, have great difficulty bending their entire nervous system towards a single goal, and have a relatively short lifespan. Bio-amps exist primarily to combat these issues. A life form that has, through thousands of generations being exposed to eezo, become a biotic species has evolved to make optimal use of its biotics. I imagine that it varies from species to species but i would expect biotic wildlife to be closer to asari than to the human un-amped base, which us, as stated above, pretty pathetic. Scythev 16:42, June 30, 2011 (UTC)
