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Forums: Index > Watercooler > What determines who you save in the final mission?

Account's Tahaneira, just can't log in at the moment. Anyways, you all remember that moment after the final boss of ME2, where the platforms start falling and you have to jump and grab one of your party members before they go off the edge. My question is, what determines who you have to save? Or is it just random? 17:04, July 12, 2011 (UTC)

I believe that factor, like several others during the final mission, is a random decision. However, it may be based on which squadmate you select first when you go to the final battle. Lancer1289 17:07, July 12, 2011 (UTC)

Everytime I've played through with my character who romanced Tali, and if she's in my party at the end, she's the one that has to be saved. I then began to notice that any character I'd romanced by that point, if in the party, wound up sliding down, even if another love interest was in the team. I doubt it's anything similar to the strategy chart for the rest of the suicide mission, the one that lists the order of who would die in what situation or if they lacked loyalty.

Personally, I believe it's based upon Shepard's love interests, at least in scenarios that have an li on the team. Otherwise, it's the "weaker" of the two, i.e. Mordin over Grunt (Thanks, Lancer), and whomever else inbetween.--Kentasko 21:49, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe, but I don't remember Wrex being in the squad in Mass Effect 2. Lancer1289 21:51, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

I've done two straight playthroughs without losing anyone in the final mission. Firstly, you need to finish all their loyalty missions and dialogue. As for who survives, I think it is random chance, but the chance of them dying is a lot less if you choose someone good for the job. E.G. I chose Kasumi to go through the vents (she's a master thief, etc). I think I chose Jacob to lead the other team (he's a soldier and shows leadership and impartiality throughout the game). Can't remember all the choices, but think about your squadmates and what you've learned about them through dialogue and their tactics, then match that to whatever decisions come up. Fat Barry 02:30, July 20, 2011 (UTC)
