Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

The Freelance Bomb Tech is a mercenary with specialist bomb training. He is deployed during the Omega gangs' attack on Archangel's base, setting up an explosive near the living room, only to be killed when Commander Shepard's team arrives to save the beleaguered vigilante.



The bomb tech is armed with the M-9 Tempest submachine gun.


The bomb tech only has health on lower difficulties, whereas on higher ones he has light shielding.


  • The bomb tech is essentially just a freelancer in all but name, exhibiting the same behavior and strengths and weaknesses. Tactics for beating freelancers also apply to him.
  • Because he's crouching and has holstered his weapon in his starting position, the element of surprise is completely on your side and should be exploited for maximum effect: shoot the bomb beside him when the other freelancers reach his position. The explosion should wipe them all out, or if not they won't have enough time to retaliate before you finish them off.