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Global Plot 3 is an assignment which was cut from Mass Effect during development. Like other "global plots", it is a lengthy quest which took place across many different locations. Thematically, this one dealt with a conflict between the hanar and the reclusive lystheni, and the threat of bioweapons.


On the Citadel[]

Shepard would be told to contact an asari diplomat named Elarya, on the Citadel. She explains that a prominent asari scientist, Dr. Euthalia, has gone missing while travelling in hanar space in the Attican Traverse. The hanar are unusually silent about the situation, so the asari have decided to send in a Spectre to find out the truth and bring back the doctor. Elarya then gives Euthalia's last known coordinates to Shepard.

Hanar Space[]

Having travelled to said location, Shepard somehow finds a recorded transmission that shows Euthalia's ship contacted a nearby hanar colony as the ship was attacked by unknown forces. As this proves that the hanar are hiding something, Shepard receives a transmission advising to come meet with a hanar senator to discuss the situation.

Meeting with the Senator[]

The hanar senator reveals the true sensitivity of the situation: the hanar are at war with the lystheni, a group of salarians who have lived in isolation from most of the galaxy for centuries. After tensions escalated regarding claims on asteroids located in hanar space, the lystheni have now kidnapped Euthalia to force her to develop a bioweapon against the hanar, the senator claims. It is up to Shepard to bring back the scientist before it's too late, and the senator provides the coordinates of a facility on an asteroid where she should be located, if Shepard agrees to it.

Lystheni Asteroid Facility[]

After landing on the asteroid, Shepard's squadmates are surprised that the facility seems eerily quiet, until they are attacked by mutated beings. Shepard's group is later ambushed by lystheni, who speak in a language that no one in the squad can understand. Further in, Shepard's squadmates spot a wounded lystheni but an asari suddenly intervenes to stop them from shooting him. Shyly identifying herself as Dr. Euthalia, she defends the lystheni worker, claiming he's just a scared lab technician. She explains that there's been a viral outbreak within the facility that turns lystheni into the mutated creatures encountered earlier. She then agrees to accompany Shepard further on.

As the group ventures through the facility, Euthalia grows increasingly supportive of the lystheni, explaining how they're being oppressed by the hanar who treat them like slaves and prisoners. Shepard may suggest trying to find a peaceful solution, or dismiss the idea. Progressing further into the facility, the group eventually meets another asari, who turns out to be the real Dr. Euthalia. The first asari, who is actually her assistant Nuriam, drops all pretense immediately, but is appalled to learn the real Euthalia caused the viral infection among the lystheni on purpose by using Nuriam as carrier to spread it. Enraged, Nuriam runs off alone, while Euthalia decides to accompany Shepard.

Shepard soon comes across a group of lystheni transmitting data that would be hazardous to the hanar in some way. After taking care of them, Shepard's squadmates state the data cannot be stopped unless the facility's transmitters are destroyed, which means blowing up the entire facility at once. As another squadmate recalls that Nuriam is still out there and insists she should be saved, Shepard has to make the choice between stopping the data, or delaying the facility's destruction and going after Nuriam, despite Euthalia's protests.

If Shepard goes after Nuriam, she is found being attacked by a group of infected lystheni. She is severely wounded, and Euthalia refuses to heal her. She will die unless Shepard convinces her not to give up using Charm or Intimidate. Before she dies, she asks for her body to be used to find a remedy for the virus. If saved, she leaves the facility with the rest of Shepard's team and Euthalia.


Safe and away from the facility, Shepard receives a transmission from the hanar senator to meet him with Euthalia at a designated location. There, the hanar senator is glad the situation has been resolved. If she survived, he also informs the Commander that Nuriam is being treated in a medical facility and is on her way to recovery. However, Euthalia appears to show some reservation towards the hanar, to the senator's annoyance, and Shepard may take this opportunity to threaten to get the Council involved if the hanar don't stop their aggression against the lystheni, through Charm or Intimidate.

The only thing left to do is reporting back to Elarya on the Citadel. She transfers credits to Shepard's account for seeing Dr. Euthalia safe and sound, and even a bonus if Shepard started the peace process with the senator.


  • As evidenced by several entries in the Plot Database, Joker was supposed to have unique dialogues relating to this assignment. Unfortunately, no traces of them have survived.[1] Similarly, another entry implies that there would have been a conversation with Sha'ira, as one of her filenames is referenced.[2]
  • The Plot Database tool mentions a number of entries which contain the prefix "DELETED_", indicating plot elements that were cut from the assignment before it was cut as a whole. Those notably contain a reference to making a vaccine, and also the three different conclusions to the assignment: "Sided with hanar", "Sided with lystheni", or "Peace."[3]
  • In addition, the Plot Database also references a number of characters of whom there are no other traces:


  1. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Joker_Spoke_to_hanar_senator, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Spoke_to_Joker, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Joker_warned, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndJoker1
  2. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndIsauria1; within Mass Effect Legendary Edition/Game/ME1/Biogame/CookedPCConsole/BIOA_STA20_06consort_DSG.pcc, Sha'ira's pawn name is labeled "sta20_isauria."
  3. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.DELETED_Conclusion.Sided_with_hanar, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.DELETED_Conclusion.Sided_with_lystheni, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.DELETED_Conclusion.Peace, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.DELETED_Vaccine_made
  4. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndArandur1
  5. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.DELETED_Spoke_with_suranos, LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndSuranon1
  6. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndTumeeron1
  7. Plot Database: LE1.Global_Plots.Global_Plot_03.Conversation_Kismet.Set_EndZephyra1