Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Hades Gamma is a cluster in Earth Systems Alliance Space, situated along an outer arm of the Milky Way. The Anansi-Ishtar shipping lane passes through the Farinata/Cacus side of this cluster, passing near to Farinata and uses Treyarmus as a convenient discharge point. Quarian starships often take advantage of the heavy shipping traffic near Treyarmus to sell salvage or refreshments; the number of merchant vessels along the Anansi-Ishtar route also makes it a popular 'hiding place' for any unregistered ship wishing to obfuscate its signal.

During the Reaper invasion of 2186, the Systems Alliance military abandoned the cluster early to Reaper forces. It is considered hostile territory by the time Commander Shepard begins their galaxy-wide search for allies to aid Earth.

Mass Relay Connections[]

Mass Effect


Hades Gamma
Asteroid belt
Asteroid belt
Asteroid belt
Asteroid belt
Asteroid belt



  • The Hades Gamma cluster appears to be the Crab Nebula. It is probably named for the ancient Greek underworld. "Gamma" is the third letter in the Greek alphabet.
  • The systems in this cluster are all named for characters or places from the Inferno, the first canticle of the Divine Comedy by the poet Dante Alighieri.
  • The Anansi-Ishtar route is likely named after two mythical figures; Anansi is a spirit who appears in Akan folktales, while Ishtar is a goddess who was worshiped in ancient Mesopotamia.