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Harrot is a merchant on Omega. He runs Harrot's Emporium, a salvage shop in the marketplace.

Mass Effect 2[]

Harrot has a deal with Kenn, a quarian merchant operating Kenn's Salvage. The elcor forbids Kenn from setting prices competitive to the Emporium's, hampering Kenn's plan to raise enough money to leave the station.

After talking to Kenn, Commander Shepard can confront Harrot. The cigar-smoking elcor grows suspicious and either denies or acknowledges any ongoing deal with the quarian, failing to see how it's any of Shepard's business.

If Shepard threatens to break Harrot's legs to get him to leave Kenn alone, the elcor is easily intimidated and pledges to release Kenn from their agreement. If Shepard convinces him to buy Kenn's business, Harrot confesses he hadn't previously thought of that because his fellow Omega merchants aren't easy to shut down. Shepard plays up Kenn's "homesickness", and Harrot reveals he does have plans to expand, leading to a win-win situation. In both scenarios, Harrot gives Shepard a discount to his wares, either as thanks or as conciliation.

If Shepard offered to cover the costs for Kenn's ticket before confronting Harrot, however, the elcor will have no reason to give out a discount.

Harrot once sold a YMIR Mech to a prospective Taitus miner, who only discovered its defects in the field. Cursing Harrot in his logs, the miner laid out a string of power cells along the mech's path to lead it to a cache of resources, but ultimately they never achieved their objective.

Mass Effect 3: Omega[]

Harrot can be found in Aria's bunker, where he is shouting for attention. With no cigar on him, he narrates how he managed to stay out of sight from Cerberus forces and rampaging Adjutants through a hidden backroom, and just when he thought the room was getting confining, Aria's patrol found and liberated him. He reveals to Commander Shepard that he plans to gain favor with Aria by returning her favorite couch which the Cerberus General threw out from Afterlife, and asks the Commander for assistance in finding its location. Meanwhile, he reopens the Emporium in a kiosk inside the bunker, letting Shepard peruse his stock of war material. If Shepard finds the couch, Harrot will be seen entering the reopened Afterlife.

If the Commander previously had a discount with Harrot, he will ask why the Commander seems familiar, and Shepard will explain the discount.

