Hayes is a member of Ark Hyperion of the Andromeda Initiative, and a member of Alec Ryder's Pathfinder team.
As member of the Pathfinder team, Hayes is awaken when Ark Hyperion arrives on Habitat 7 and can meet Ryder in the Cryo Bay.
Right after Hyperion runs into an energy cloud, Hayes participates to the first mission with Alec Ryder on Habitat 7 and flies within the Pathfinder shuttle.
When their engines fail, their shuttle successfully lands on the planet with an emergency landing while the one occupied by the other team explodes midair. After the landing, the Pathfinder Alec explores the area while Hayes and her teammates Cora Harper and Dr. Harry Carlyle repair the shuttle. They are eventually attacked by enemy aliens, later known as Kett. While they are pinned down at their shuttle's parking site by hostile aliens, they are rejoined by Liam and Ryder's offspring to fight. All of them fend off the intruders, although Hayes is injured in the process. Dr. Harry attends to Hayes, but an imminent lightning strike bears down on their position. Both of them are saved by Cora's biotic powers. When the other three rush off to meet with Alec, Hayes spends the rest of her time on parking site with Dr. Harry trying to keep her stable.
After the Hyperion has docked with the Nexus, Hayes stays in the infirmary where the doctors thinks she will survive. Hayes will no longer be part of the new Pathfinder team.
Later, Hayes participates in the battle for Meridian and can be heard on the comms encouraging her soldiers as they clear a path through Kett forces.