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Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayAethon ClusterAru System Second planet

Prerequisite: Priority: Tuchanka (Mass Effect 3)


The volus homeworld is a high-pressure, high-gravity planet that supports an ammonia-based ecology. This rare environment means that the volus have been slow to colonize, as there are few planets that meet their habitation requirements. Most prefer to stay on Irune, working remotely via the extranet. The more adventurous don the clumsy but vital pressure suits and venture out to worlds in Citadel space to make their fortunes.

Irune is remarkable for having done away with warfare as an institution of the state. Volus culture lacks the romantic view of war found in the galaxy's more aggressive species. Physical skirmishes between groups rarely last long, and are almost always ended by social castigation, bargaining agreements, or harsh economic sanctions.

Irune's cities tend to be built on fast trade routes rather than militarily defensible positions. This has left them vulnerable to husk attack now that the Reapers have overwhelmed the turian fleets and begun a ground war on the planet.

CITADEL TRAVEL ADVISORY: Irune's ammonia-based atmosphere is toxic to non-volus life-forms. Visitors to Irune must wear pressure suits at all times when traveling outside of environmentally controlled areas.

Additional Information[]

Irune's flora include the kympna lobes, a pungent silver carnivorous plant with teeth. Apparently, these can survive and thrive in non-volus environments: they can be integrated into floral arrangements with plants that do not have high-pressure requirements and ammonia biochemistries.


Search and Rescue[]

Main article: Search and Rescue
  • Artifact: Book of Plenix