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“Stay strong and clear!”

Jaal Ama Darav is a native of the Andromeda galaxy. Shortly after the arrival of the Andromeda Initiative in their corner of the universe, Jaal joins forces with the human Pathfinder Ryder and their team.

Jaal is a potential romantic interest for a Ryder of either gender.


Jaal is 27 angaran years old and a native of Havarl. He comes from a famous family and is a high-ranking member of the Angaran Resistance against the kett. He joins Ryder's team as an observer for the Resistance because the angara are wary of the intentions of new species after the kett invaded the Heleus Cluster.[1]

Jaal's biological mother is named Sahuna, and he has over five additional mothers who helped raised him, his siblings, and his cousins. His father was a technician at a mine who went to work one day and never returned, presumed victim of the kett.

Growing up, Jaal had an affinity for taking things apart to see what they did. He also used to have a pet kaerkyn named Alfit (which he promptly took apart after it died.)

During his first Vesaal on Aya, Jaal worked at a farm and entered into a relationship with a slightly older woman named Allia, a researcher there. It didn't work out when his famous Resistance-affiliated older brother arrived at the scene, and Allia ended up becoming Jaal's sister-in-law on Havarl. Unfortunately, Allia and Jaal's older brother were eventually taken by the kett as well, leaving only their children behind.

During his time with the Resistance, Jaal once participated in assaulting a kett base on Voeld. It was a desperate battle that they barely won.

Mass Effect: Andromeda[]

When Pathfinder Ryder makes first contact with the angara in search of Aya's Remnant vault, Jaal volunteers to join the Tempest crew as an observer, though Evfra de Tershaav warns him to be prepared if the human decides to kill him. He is assigned to steer the outsiders to either Voeld or Havarl for Resistance business that can demonstrate the Initiative's trustworthiness to the angara.

Jaal tinkering in the Tech Lab

Aboard the Tempest, Jaal takes up residence in the Tech Lab, though he can often be found elsewhere on the ship interacting with the crew. On the Nexus he can be seen hanging out at the Cultural Exchange studying the Initiative races' cultures.

On comms, Jaal asks Liam if the buildings on Prodromos are typical human houses. On hearing there's a lot of variance, he then inquires what Liam's house looked like, so the latter warns he might get sentimental. Jaal asks if that's shameful since angara cry and laugh together (and sometimes even fight like adhi), causing Liam to chuckle that it sounds like home.

On Havarl, if Ryder doesn't bring him with the squad on first landing, he goes ahead to Pelaav Research Station and converses with Kiiran Dals. He tells her he offered to accompany the Pathfinder, but they don't seem to need his help. If talked to, Jaal asks again if Ryder's certain they don't want him around, pointing out it's unwise to be in angaran territory without an angaran escort and that the outsiders are already in danger of being shot on sight by Roekaar. Whichever Ryder's response, Jaal may briefly summarize Havarl's role in angaran history.

Once the Pathfinder has proven their capabilities to Evfra, Jaal joins the squad to infiltrate a kett facility on Voeld where the Moshae Sjefa is being held. As nobody has ever returned from such a facility, he is baffled to observe captive angara seemingly offering no resistance to the cult-like activities of their overseers.

A killer's remorse

Soon it comes to light that all these rituals are in service of kett exaltation. Jaal is horrified to learn he has been killing his own people for so long he doesn't even know how many, weeping over the corpse of a Chosen that he personally saw transformed from an angara. Thus when the Moshae has finally been located, Jaal frantically rushes out determined not to let her suffer the same fate.

Later upon securing the Moshae, Jaal is insistent the captured angara within the base must be liberated first, against her wishes that the facility must be destroyed. Ultimately though, it is up to the Pathfinder to make that call.

Back on the Tempest, Jaal's attitude towards the Pathfinder depends whether they followed his advice or not. If the base was destroyed, Jaal initially gives Ryder the cold shoulder, but relents since saving the Moshae sort of evens it out. He confesses to missing his family, giving Ryder the chance to inquire about it, or/then establish closeness or distance with their own. Whichever the case, Ryder feels the Tempest crew is almost a family at times, prompting Jaal to admit he felt he never had a purpose until he came aboard. He's dissatisfied about his place in the Resistance even with people idolizing him, as he feels the Pathfinder is going to do something more important. Whichever way Ryder phrases their response, Jaal anticipates further adventures with the team even though afterward he still needs some distance to process his disagreement with the Pathfinder.

During conversation with the Moshae when she's safe, she jokingly claims that Jaal snores in his sleep. This may have had some truth to it, as Liam can catch Jaal napping and confirm it by asking if all angara indeed snore. Jaal counters by asking if all humans whimper in their sleep like Liam does.

Sometime after the exaltation facility, Dr. Lexi T'Perro invites Jaal to the medbay to see her findings about exalted kett. Even when shown evidence that there's nothing angaran inside, Jaal insists that the physical can be deceiving. Should Ryder encourage hoping for a way to fix these kett, Jaal thanks them for the support before leaving. If not, Lexi urges him to remember what they talked about: examining the issue objectively. Jaal sighs and excuses himself out.

Following the retrieval of Vehn Terev's transponder from Kadara, Jaal participates in the team meeting Drack called and insists on focusing their efforts on the Archon when Drack presents information that could distract them. When Peebee shares news about activity on Remav, Jaal recalls there's nothing there save for rocks and criminal ventures.

Later, Ryder can catch Jaal offguard in his quarters. A startled Jaal explains he's trying to build gifts for the Tempest crew: he wants to sew a Rofjinn for Liam, compose a poem for Vetra, craft a ceremonial angaran dagger for Drack, and Ryder can either encourage or discourage him on the latter two things. These mainly serve to distract him from worrying as he's insecure about his place on the crew and he wants to fit in. Numerous people in his family have achieved great things, and though Jaal stopped trying to keep up he still feels the need to make a difference. Ryder can empathize or offer sobering advice.

Eventually, Jaal's exploits with Ryder gain him enough clout in the Resistance that he has received offers of advancement and his own command. He is to lead a small covert tech ops squad for infiltrating advanced kett sites. Regardless of Ryder's responses, Jaal makes it clear that working with the Pathfinder enabled him to break free of expectations and find his better self.

When Ryder asks if they should return to Aya, Jaal replies he already declined the offer. If the Pathfinder expressly wished for him to stay, Jaal opines they have become more open with their feelings like true angara. Otherwise, he muses how chance can change lives in an instant; Ryder gets what he means, and Jaal adds their father would've been proud of them. Now that Jaal is stuck with the Pathfinder's crew till the end of the mission, he cockily brags how they need him. Ryder jokingly warns him not to push his luck, but the angara sputters a retort before realizing it was only an idiom.


Jaal brings up the Roekaar to the Pathfinder and describes how they were founded. Knowing that the Roekaar would have to be dealt with sooner or later, Jaal suggests making contact with the Roekaar leader, Akksul, through a friend of the latter's, Thaldyr. When they arrive on Havarl, they find Thaldyr's sanctuary besieged by kett. After clearing out the hostiles, they find that Thaldyr had committed self-inflicted injuries to herself in order to avoid capture by the kett. After she dies, Jaal laments that Akksul used her devotion to him to spread xenophobia. Reluctantly, Jaal reaches out to the Moshae to secure a meeting between Ryder and Akksul.

The Roekaar later attack Prodromos, only to be repelled by Ryder and the team. Akksul sends a message afterward to the Tempest, labeling Jaal a fool for siding with aliens ahead of his own people. Jaal notes that Akksul sought to provoke them into reacting recklessly and advises against obliging him.

Three of Jaal's siblings, Teviint, Lathoul and Baranjj have run off to join the Roekaar. Jaal's mothers ask that he brings them back. Traveling to the Forge, the ancestral birthplace of the angara on Havarl, Jaal is puzzled to discover that the Roekaar had forced the civilian scientists out. Eventually, they run into his siblings, who open fire on the squad, before Jaal called to them to cease fire. After punching Baranjj twice in the face before hugging him, Jaal tried to convince his siblings to abandon the Roekaar, introducing them to Ryder to prove that Akksul was wrong. Lathoul saw reason and revealed that Akksul planned to destroy the Forge with explosive stolen from the Initiative to further demonize aliens, before being shot in the back by Teviint, though not fatally.

After disarming the bombs, Teviint came running to Jaal, believing she had killed Lathoul before being told otherwise, before speaking her desire to leave the Roekaar. Akksul then showed up and attempted a grandstanding speech before his followers. Jaal countered his views, citing how Ryder made their worlds habitable and how the human rescued their beloved Moshae. Akksul then raised a gun to his face, labeling him a traitor. If Ryder shoots Akksul first, it will only embolden the Roekaar. Otherwise, Akksul will scar Jaal's right cheek, causing his followers to disband.


Note: Rank 6 of each Skill is unavailable to Jaal until his loyalty mission Jaal Ama Darav: Flesh and Blood is completed.


Jaal is armed with a modified Lanat sniper rifle that he calls "Darav".


“You make my heart sing.”

When he first joins the team, he's quite distrustful of Ryder and will give almost no information about himself. If Ryder befriended him and flirted with him at every opportunity that they get, at one point he can be asked if he's interested to get to know each other better. Jaal agrees, claiming that it would be a privilege to get to know a person such as Ryder better.

After the final confrontation with Akksul, Jaal invites Ryder to meet his family, including Sahuna. She tells Ryder a few things about Jaal, embarrassing him, and then leaves for a meeting. He shows the place he spent most of his childhood days, which is packed with his family members at the time, and leads Ryder to his room, his "tiny sanctuary".

He shows Ryder some schematics of a weapon he received from his aunt when he was seven and the remains of a pet Kaerkyn that he had. After showing Ryder these items, he says he never showed anyone these things and tells Ryder that he wants them to be together. If Ryder accepts, they share a kiss and afterwards he presents a project he started long ago. He expresses his wish to complete the project, and he now has someone to do it with.

Later he sends an email saying he has a special place on Aya he wants Ryder to see. He and the Pathfinder can consummate their relationship there.


First email once Jaal has joined the Tempest:

Communication from Jaal Ama Darav

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

Pathfinder Ryder,

A manifest of items that I have brought aboard your ship, the Tempest:

1) Blankets and bedding in the event your unfamiliar alien bedding is insufficient or uncomfortable.
2) A small number of personal projects; these are bits and pieces of angaran tech and weaponry.
3) Twenty-five jugs of nourishment paste. This will need to be replenished regularly.
4) Armor, including my two Rofjinn [unknown: alt: cape; suspenders] and equipment to repair them.
5) Vials of salves, creams, and perfumes. I can provide your science officer with a list of ingredients if that is required.

I've also brought my personal weapon, a kett rifle. I've been issued an "omni-tool," which I am currently calibrating.

I hope that this list is compliant.

Received after helping the angara on Havarl:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

Pathfinder Ryder of the Human Initiative:

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help our scientists on Havarl, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

Maybe he's already said these things to you, but if I know Evfra, he probably hasn't.

As for me, I've learned a lot about trust—being on this team, letting myself be open to trusting you and the others. I've learned that trust is more of a feeling than a science. And it seems like it is a universal truth. Universal. Get it?

I'll try to be even more trustful in the future. This assignment might change my life.



Received after helping the angara on Voeld:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

Pathfinder Ryder of the Human Initiative:

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help the ops squad on Voeld, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

Maybe he's already said these things to you, but if I know Evfra, he probably hasn't.

As for me, I've learned a lot about trust—being on this team, letting myself be open to trusting you and the others. I've learned that trust is more of a feeling than a science. And it seems like it is a universal truth. Universal. Get it?

I'll try to be even more trustful in the future. This assignment might change my life.



Received after helping the angara on both Havarl and Voeld:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

Pathfinder Ryder of the Human Initiative:

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help our scientists on Havarl, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help the ops squad on Voeld, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

Maybe he's already said these things to you, but if I know Evfra, he probably hasn't.

As for me, I've learned a lot about trust—being on this team, letting myself be open to trusting you and the others. I've learned that trust is more of a feeling than a science. And it seems like it is a universal truth. Universal. Get it?

I'll try to be even more trustful in the future. This assignment might change my life.



Received after helping the angara on Havarl and Voeld plus saving the Moshae:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

Pathfinder Ryder of the Human Initiative:

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help our scientists on Havarl, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

I've heard privately from Evfra, the leader of our Resistance. He's very impressed that we were able to help the ops squad on Voeld, and I've made sure that he knows that you played a key role.

Of course, he's also quite impressed with the success of our joint mission to save the Moshae.

Maybe he's already said these things to you, but if I know Evfra, he probably hasn't.

As for me, I've learned a lot about trust—being on this team, letting myself be open to trusting you and the others. I've learned that trust is more of a feeling than a science. And it seems like it is a universal truth. Universal. Get it?

I'll try to be even more trustful in the future. This assignment might change my life.



Received after conversation with Evfra and the Moshae in the Resistance Headquarters, if Ryder followed the Moshae's advice on the exaltation facility:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

To [firstname],


The Moshae sent some news from Aya that she asked me to share with you.

Under her guidance, officials are again allowing study in the Aya vault. It comes with great risk, of course, so she's restricting participation to her brightest students, under armed guard. Although she doesn't have your ability to interface with the Remnant, she wants to be ready to assist you—however she can—once Meridian is found.

These are interesting and exciting times.

She's fond of you. Truly. I haven't heard her talk like this about someone in a long while. She didn't ask me to tell you about this last part, I just thought you should know.

Received after conversation with Evfra and the Moshae in the Resistance Headquarters, if Ryder disregarded the Moshae's advice on the exaltation facility:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

To [firstname],


The Moshae sent some news from Aya that she asked me to share with you.

Under her guidance, officials are again allowing study in the Aya vault. It comes with great risk, of course, so she's restricting participation to her brightest students, under armed guard. Although she doesn't have your ability to interface with the Remnant, she wants to be ready to assist you—however she can—once Meridian is found.

These are interesting and exciting times.


Received after the gifts conversation:

Non-Work-Related Email from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal


I told Liam and Peebee and Lexi a children's story that the mothers used to tell us when we were small. It's from our oral history of the time before the Scourge. The crew said I should write it down so that it can be added to the cultural center on the Nexus.

The Wayward Child
Long ago, there was a child who was very stubborn and wouldn't listen to any wisdom—not from her father, nor her many mothers. One day, seeking adventure, she snuck aboard a spaceship with an unknown destination. That child was brave to seek adventure; however, she ended up getting spaced with a load of garbage. Deservedly, she froze in the cold vacuum of space and died. The End.

I don't know why the crew enjoyed it; it's a terrible story meant to scare youngsters into obedience. Is this a novelty to your people? If so, how do you humans keep children from hurting themselves?


Received after the Archon's defeat:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal

I'm writing to let you know that I've been receiving a lot of messages of congratulations from the Resistance members who've heard of our victory against the Archon. It's not common knowledge, but it's hard to keep good news like that from spreading.

We are a hopeful people who are granted new hope.

Imagine the excitement when we conquer Meridian and heal the cluster for all our people. Some nights I can't sleep because I'm dreaming of it.

Communication from Jaal

In case you haven't seen the reports, celebrations are breaking out on Aya and Havarl. People are walking with a lightness to their steps, and there is even more laughter than usual. Recruitment for the Resistance has never been easier.

On Voeld, while the kett are in disarray, we will take down their bases one by one until they are gone from the planet forever.

People hope that one day the Vesaal will be a thing of the past and that all worlds will be like Aya.

Change is coming for the angara and the humans. We're lucky to have each other… at least that's what Evfra said.

No, he really did.

Jaal Ama Darav

Received after meeting Jaal's family on Havarl:

Communication from Jaal

To: Ryder

From: Jaal


Thank you for visiting my family with me. For someone with such a small family, it must have been overwhelming, but you didn't show it at all.


  • Cathleen Rootsaert was the main writer for Jaal.[1]
  • According to Michael Gamble, Jaal's name in angaran means "guy with cloak which moves".[2]
  • Jaal is listed as 193 cm tall and and 121 kg.
  • Originally, Jaal could only be romanced by female Ryder. Since Patch 1.08, Jaal can now be romanced by either male or female Ryder.
  • After the death of an opponent, Jaal often says, "One less to worry about." which is something Garrus frequently says in similar situations.
  • The Wayward Child story summarizes the plot of the classic 1954 short story The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin.

See Also[]

