Joba is a small system north of the Heleus Cluster's Black Hole. It is one FTL jump away from Govorkam, Nol, and Sabeng.
The system is composed of four planets, one of which has a nonstandard inclined orbit. It is unsettled and undeveloped: one world is lifebearing but environmentally hostile, another is resource-rich but locked away in inaccessible areas.
On first visit to Joba, Suvi comments that she sometimes forgets how small people are compared to the vastness of space.
Comm Buoy[]
Note: This anomaly is part of Safe Journeys.
- Buoy ID: Dehena-1
- Power readings: 98.2%
- System report: Unit can broadcast another eight standard months
- Status: Broadcasting data in Shelesh
This comm buoy is set for extremely short-range transmission, likely as a security precaution. Only a vessel searching its precise navpoint can detect the message.
Ihaafor is the first planet orbiting the star Joba.
- Main article: Ihaafor
Letapho is the fourth planet orbiting the star Joba.
- Main article: Letapho
Ronhadin is the second planet orbiting the star Joba.
- Main article: Ronhadin
Starship Wreckage[]
Note: This anomaly is part of Life on the Frontier.
- Ship ident: Nexus 30-07
- Ship name: "Charris"
- Crew complement: 5-8
- Status: Destroyed
The Charris was a transport shuttle with a full cargo of supplies. According to the ship's final transmission, it lost its way after an unexplained interference resulted in navigational failure. Damage on parts of the ship's hull suggests that it came into contact with a hostile force shortly after losing contact with the Nexus.
Awards random Salvage when scanned.
Teroshe is the third planet orbiting the star Joba.
- Main article: Teroshe