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Mass Effect Wiki

Kiiran Dals is the lead scientist of Daar Pelaav on Havarl.


Kiiran often sustained injuries in pursuit of knowledge in her youth, to the constant concern of her mother who always had to mend them.

On Havarl, Kiiran became interested in studying some old temples, but kett incursions scuppered that plan. She has been requested to shelter survivors of the attack who want to keep working, as her camp is the only site the kett have ignored and she needs scientists for her other project researching Remnant monoliths. On hearing the news, her mother sent her a worried message urging her to evacuate immediately should the Resistance advise to do so, even if the attack happened half a world away.

Mass Effect: Andromeda[]

Kiiran first encounters Pathfinder Ryder and the squad at Pelaav Research Station, her first look at visitors from another galaxy, and initially regards them with the same mistrust most angara have for outsiders. She wonders if they're always formal if Ryder opts to formally greet her, but dismisses Ryder's flattery of Havarl's environment out of more pressing concerns. She has a team of scientists that are stuck in a stasis field while studying a Remnant monolith. They're unresponsive to all outside stimuli, so she's willing to set aside skepticism and allow Ryder's Remnant expertise to help free them while they are still alive.

If talked to, she reveals that many of her team used to be students of Moshae Sjefa, and she could not bear to face her bearing grim news of their fate.

Once Ryder has rendered assistance, Kiiran speaks with them about Havarl's decline: uncontrolled mutations in the wildlife mean that the ecosystem is crumbling away. This appears to be caused by having only two working monoliths. Assistant Torvar suggests asking the sages at Mithrava but Kiiran scoffs at the idea, explaining how the sages are hermits that believe in isolating themselves from modern thought. Ryder is ultimately led by Kiiran to head to Mithrava for help in locating the remaining monolith.

In the aftermath of Torvar's liberation from stasis, Kiiran grows concerned at his lack of remembering anything during the incident. She wants to have someone fully scan him before jumping to conclusions. Later, she defers Torvar's eagerness to resume studies on the monolith, reminding him she also knows the stakes.

When Ryder finds the lost monolith and reactivates the vault, Kiiran is in Daar Pelaav with First Sage Esmus and Taavos to congratulate the Pathfinder. For the first time in years, she is excited by the new discoveries around the reincarnation or "memory transfer" process and devotes resources in order to study it.

Kiiran invites people from the Andromeda Initiative to help the research station in monitoring Havarl's situation. If Ryder follows up later, Kiiran relates that the Initiative representatives have been helpful, and have been sharing stories about the Milky Way. She finds it refreshing that not all aliens are like the kett.
