Prerequisite: The Journey to Meridian
Layan's remoteness prompts Dr. Suvi Anwar to remark on its particular view of the Scourge.
Everodaan is the third planet orbiting the star Layan.
- Main article: Everodaan
Pas-29 is the second planet orbiting the star Layan.
- Main article: Pas-29
Pas-32 is the fourth planet orbiting the star Layan.
- Main article: Pas-32
Pas-40a is a moon orbiting the planet Pas-40.
- Main article: Pas-40a
Starship Wreckage[]
- Ship ident: Tarb-04
- Ship name: Unknown
- Crew complement: 1
- Status: N/A
The resident of this escape pod has been deceased for some time, but her records reveal that she was one of the Nexus exiles. Her passion for the Andromeda Initiative's scientific goals never faded; she died here, on one final exploratory mission.
Awards random Salvage when scanned.