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Liam Kosta: Outpost Worlds

More planets need to be evaluated for potential outposts. You did the impossible on Eos: you restored a golden world and gave colonization an overdue start. Liam helped coordinate efforts on the ground, and he's confirmed the obvious: you need to keep pushing. Thousands of lives in Heleus depend on you as their Pathfinder. Evaluate UNC worlds and call for the placement of outposts where possible.


Prerequisite: Meet the Resistance

This mission is acquired once Pathfinder Ryder has landed on either Havarl or Voeld.


ON HOLD: Find worlds to evaluate[]

This subheading loses the ON HOLD signifier while in the process of attempting to establish an outpost on any current planet you're on. When all possible worlds have been evaluated, the ON HOLD signifier becomes permanent and the mission also completes.

Evaluate Havarl for outpost[]

As Havarl cannot have an Andromeda Initiative outpost placed, this objective will be marked complete once you finish A Dying Planet at Pelaav Research Station.

Evaluate Voeld for outpost[]

The objective completes after the Taerve Uni outpost MEA Outpost Map Icon has been established after Settling Voeld.

Evaluate Kadara for outpost[]

The objective completes after the Ditaeon outpost MEA Outpost Map Icon has been established after Settling Kadara.

Evaluate Elaaden for outpost[]

This objective completes after the Elaaden Outpost MEA Outpost Map Icon has been established after Settling Elaaden.


  • +1600 AVP AVP icon

Note: It's hard to see exactly what the mission rewards are because Liam Kosta: Outpost Worlds completes at the same time as Settling Elaaden. On screen are shown AVP and viability rewards for Settling Elaaden but not for Liam Kosta: Outpost Worlds.

  • The AVP reward is +1600 (increase by 3200 of which 1600 is for Settling Elaaden).
  • Viability increases by +20% Elaaden as a reward for Settling Elaaden but none for Liam's mission.
  • +1330 XP as a reward for Settling Elaaden but none for Liam's mission.