Matriarch Lidanya is the commanding officer of the Destiny Ascension, an asari dreadnought and flagship of the Citadel Fleet in 2183. During peacetime she takes the time to engage with the tourists visiting her ship.
During Saren Arterius' attack on the Citadel, Matriarch Lidanya orders the evacuation of the Council when she realizes that the station is no longer responding to commands, specifically the command to close the arms for the safety of the civilian population. While intended for its protection, the evacuation of the Council nonetheless places it in jeopardy when the Destiny Ascension sustains heavy damage from the geth fleet and the Reaper known as Sovereign.
If the Alliance Navy reinforcements refrain from assisting the Ascension, it is destroyed, thereby killing Lidanya and everyone on board.
- Matriarch Lidanya (dark blue skin) and her navigator (light blue skin) switches character models between their appearances during the Conduit trench run on Ilos and after Commander Shepard's decision regarding the Ascension's fate.
- If the Council was sacrificed, subtitles for Lidanya's dialogue reveal a minor spelling error: "This is the Ascension. We are taking heavy damage. GARDIAN defenses are overwhlemed [sic], kinetic barriers are off-line."