- See also: N7, Alliance News Network Blogs, Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Weekend Events, Weekend Challenges
During the Reaper War, Allied forces began recruiting anyone, soldier or mercenary, to serve on the front lines of the conflict. The most experienced operatives formed squads to secure objectives, evacuate civilians, and battle Cerberus or the Reapers deep in enemy territory. Initially led by N7 Alliance marines, these squads were nicknamed the N7 Special Ops. In light of these teams' exemplary service and remarkable bravery, the Alliance allowed this unofficial name to spread across the ranks as a sign of respect for their efforts.
Here follows a list of known N7 operations and the related briefing and debriefing messages sent by Citadel Allied Command and mostly signed by Admiral Hackett.
“Operation Goliath
Citadel Allied Command is mounting a galaxy-wide operation to cripple the Reapers’ shock troops: the turian-krogan hybrids known as “brutes.” To flush out Reaper ground forces, N7 teams are deploying to engage the enemy in key theaters. Heavy reinforcements are expected anywhere fighting begins.
“Operation: Goliath Success
From: Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Allied Command
Re: Operation Goliath
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It is my honor to announce that Operation Goliath was an overwhelming success. By targeting the brutes of the Reaper forces, we dealt them a blow from which they will not soon recover. As I’m sure you’re aware, a brute is made out of the parts of turians and krogan, somehow melded into one. For them to replace those troops, they’re going to have to capture turians and krogan together and alive—and you can ask your turian and krogan friends just how rarely that’s going to happen from now on.
Over a three-day period, you downed a staggering number of brutes, and countless husks and other Reaper creatures in the process. As it is, the Reapers have been pushed back in key positions as they try to make up for the holes you left in their army.
I am confident that word of this operation will get out and that it will give people hope. The stories I am hearing continue to amaze me. They are stories of soldiers braving fire to pull a fallen comrade to safety; they are stories of biotics charging enemies ten times their weight to buy their friends a critical second; they are stories of engineers with their fingers shot off, hacking mainframes with the stumps because their teammates needed them. Thousands of strike teams ran successful sorties against particularly deadly Reaper occupations – those squads will be recognized with a special commendation.
This brotherhood knows no race or species. It is a bond you are forging together, knowing that when the time came, you heard the call, and you answered it with all the skill and passion you could muster. That much… you can say to anyone.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Fortress
With Reaper forces beaten back, relief efforts are under way in the newly-taken territory.
During this period, Reaper enemies will be severely depleted and there will be far fewer brutes than usual.
Looking ahead: Admiral Hackett has put out the call for advanced combatants among the N7 squads. These troops are being marshaled for an upcoming elite operation. Experience under fire leads to promotions….
“Operation Fortress Update
From: Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Allied Command
Re: Operation FORTRESS
Confidentiality Classification: XA-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
As this week comes to a close, I am pleased at the gains we have made in Operation FORTRESS. Through smart, defensive fighting, we have held the ground we took in GOLIATH and trained countless members of our growing force.
While not be as glamorous as striking the enemy deep in their heart, taking modest objectives to help newcomers is a mission-critical objective. As you train, so shall you fight. And what you are training your compatriots to do is no small matter. You are taking a stranger into your unit and giving them the tools they need to kill a Reaper, to save your life, or to even give their life for your own. This can be taught, but only by someone who inspires them to be more than they were.
It takes guts to teach. It takes experience. It takes persistence. You are demonstrating these attributes to your squadmates, and it is these qualities that will win us this war.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Raptor
The Reaper horde is growing, so we must as well. Effective military strength needs to increase, and veterans must train conscripts so that they, in turn, can train others.
“Operation Raptor Update
From: Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Allied Command
Re: Operation RAPTOR
Confidentiality Classification: XA-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way,
I am pleased at the number of promotions achieved during Operation RAPTOR. The influx of veterans and leaders is already proving invaluable in our fight against the Reapers.
While our comrades spread across the galaxy to carry on the fight, you must reconstitute your forces and bring new fighters to the fore. The N7 cadre has never been an easy calling, but your guts and determination have made you the most feared fighting force the Alliance has ever known. Prepare yourself; there will be more challenges in our future. Good fortune favors the prepared mind… and arsenal.–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Beachhead
Allied forces have matched krogan mercs and batarians with asari justicars for unconventional warfare. Their mission: to create resistance on Reaper-occupied planets to tie down local Reapers.
“Operation Resurgence
Operation BEACHHEAD eased the pressure on allied planets and freed up conventional forces that were being hammered by the Reapers. With these reinforcements, the allies can use RESURGENCE to target more critical infrastructure.
“Operation Resurgence Update
Operation RESURGENCE has been completed, giving Alliance forces a critical foothold needed in the war against the Reapers. Thanks to all N7 forces who participated during Operation RESURGENCE.
“Operation Exorcist
When it comes to retrieving classified data, Cerberus has been beating the allied forces to the punch. New intelligence has tipped us off to one of their offensives, and it is time to give the N7 teams the payback they want.
“Priority Update: Operation Exorcist
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
By now it is no secret that the Reaper War has had its share of logistical SNAFUs. It is to the galaxy’s credit that, when we put out the call for volunteers, we were answered by individuals of every species from Citadel [sic], Traverse, and even Terminus space. Unfortunately, the diversity of equipment sources meant our allies ran into hardware and software incompatibilities.
These brave men and women have been fighting beside you and, in doing so, have gone above and beyond normal duty. Because their units were not properly tracked, they fought without pay and sometimes without proper training, equipment, even rations. It is a mark of their character that these warriors took the grave task set before us and stuck it out through sheer determination.
It is time to honor their service. A volunteer task force has fabricated the necessary hardware and is rolling out compatibility software. When these installations are complete, these soldiers will benefit from being properly equipped and combat-ineffective troops will get off the bench. We’ll all have more comrades watching our backs, and we’re now watching theirs.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Exorcist Update
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation EXORCIST
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It is with great pride that I announce that we stopped a galaxy-wide Cerberus offensive. They expected surprise and speed to be on their side. They had neither, and they quickly discovered who had the superior force. You thinned their ranks and made our command and control structures safer. Since no small number of my colleagues were their targets, I offer my personal thanks.
When an assassin dies, his target lives. When thousands of assassins die, their leadership loses a major strategic option. That is the blow you have dealt. It will take Cerberus time to recover from losing their elite Phantom soldiers, time we do not intend to give them. Captured Phantoms are being interrogated to help us crack down on more Cerberus cells and sleeper agents. The intelligence we won today will be critical in the battles we face tomorrow.
Regrettably, we cannot stomp Cerberus out all at once, not yet. Our primary focus must be on the Reapers. But had we not won today, we would be hard-pressed to defend our colonies and homeworlds. That means everything to the friends, families, and fellow citizens for whom we are fighting.
Good work.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Silencer
Cerberus defectors have verified key intel on Reaper banshees to help provide us a vulnerability to exploit. Banshees are created from a specific kind of asari that cannot be replaced quickly, so we are diverting forces to focus on an all-out banshee extermination effort.
This task is an onerous one, and many of you are right to dread contact with these particular foes, but rest assured that we are prepared to reinforce your battalion with reserves. The vorcha want in, and as soon as they complete combined-arms training with our technically-skilled personnel, we will let them loose.
It’s time to make our enemies scream.
“Operation Silencer Update
Re: Operation SILENCER
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It is with great regret that I must announce the withdrawal of forces from several colonies in asari space. Reinforcing them proved untenable. While Operation SILENCER inflicted substantial casualties, the Reapers learned from our victories against the brutes, and they now know how to protect their own.
Rest assured that we too are learning from this conflict. Already, we are implementing plans to supply our forces with a better arsenal so that, when we next meet the enemy, they are ours. Until your next deployment, keep calm and carry on. We will pay the Reapers back soon enough.
Good work.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Shieldwall
The Reapers are targeting our training centers, and your mission is to draw their fire and attention. Put them on the defensive! Buy us time, and the reinforcements in training will soon back you up.
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation SHIELDWALL
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It will relieve many of you to know that Operation SHIELDWALL bought us the time we needed to get our reinforcements to the front. The most numerous of these are the vorcha, literally the galaxy’s most adaptable species. We’ve subjected vorcha to high pressures so they can survive on Irune, clubbed them to simulate a husk’s flailing, and even shot them so that their bodies learn to heal trauma. Fighting is a way of life to the vorcha. Right now, they are just what this galaxy needs.
Integrating so many vorcha has not been easy, and it is here that we must note the quarian contribution. Many quarians on their Pilgrimage actually refused the summons of the Migrant Fleet in order to serve against the Reapers. We assigned them the task of educating the vorcha in combined-arms operations against mechs and hardened targets. This came at great personal risk, since the vorcha’s style of “communication” often includes claws—the last thing a quarian in an envirosuit needs.
There is no better time to aim these warriors at the enemy. A Cerberus military outpost code-named Project Phoenix has defected to the Alliance in full, bringing with them inestimably valuable intelligence. Their project director said that, when he looked at Cerberus, he saw its ugly past: a long string of blackmail and assassination. When he looked at the Alliance, coordinating races from all corners of the galaxy to stop the Reapers, he saw the future.
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Mastiff
We are dropping the new reinforcements onto occupied worlds to supplement resistance movements. Retrieving data of how the Reapers conquered those worlds is of paramount importance.
“Operation Mastiff success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation MASTIFF
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
I am pleased to announce that Operation MASTIFF worked as planned, and given its scope, that is no small accomplishment. Vorcha and allied reinforcements have landed on nearly all of the occupied homeworlds, in sufficient numbers to allow us to extract important data about Reaper invasion tactics. The next time the Reapers try to take a homeworld, they will find us ready and waiting.
As for the status of the resistance on these planets, we remain hopeful. Every time a processing center is bombed, every time a detention camp is liberated, we delay the Reapers and give organics time to regroup. This breathing room is essential to win the long war, and to give hope to the galaxy at large. If you want to see an immediate consequence of this success, I suggest visiting your quartermaster – the supply chain has been secured, and they’ve brought a few things you might like.
Well done.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Savage
With so many planets conquered in Council space, we are relying on material support from the Terminus Systems. Eliminating risks to our supply line is a top priority.
“Operation Savage success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation SAVAGE
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It is a great feeling when a gambit succeeds, and I am pleased to announce that Operation SAVAGE was a success. At the end of Operation MASTIFF, I said that our supply chain was secure. The Reapers, of course, did their best to test that claim. They recognized this supply route through the central Terminus Systems and dispatched destroyers and troop transports to eliminate what they thought was a soft target.
They found otherwise. The Terminus worlds lacked the heavy warships of the Council militaries, so as part of Operation SAVAGE, we devoted significant space assets to reinforce them. The space assets came through, but that is to take nothing away from the ferocity and skill of the ground troops on these planets. When the Reapers landed, intent on turning those colony worlds into new sources of husk creatures, they met their match.
I cannot emphasize enough what a mess we’d be in if the Reapers had succeeded. A captured planet in our rear echelon would have meant facing shortages of critical materials or pulling additional assets from major fronts to compensate. Our strategists say we dodged a bullet—in my opinion, we stopped it cold.
Good work. That is all.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Broadside
Operation BROADSIDE puts our reinforcements to work by coordinating large-scale attacks against the Reapers on multiple fronts. The objectives vary from planet to planet and theater to theater, but the common goal is to develop a sustainable fighting method with a minimal loss of life.
“Operation Broadside Failed
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation BROADSIDE
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
There is an old human expression: “You reap what you sow.” The word “reap” has been co-opted by our enemy, but this does not make the expression any less true. We have spent much time in recent weeks planting seeds. We recruited, we trained, we defended, all in the hopes that, sometime soon, we would have enough breathing room to mobilize against the enemy on a grand scale. Over the past few days, we did just that.
Operation BROADSIDE attacked Reapers all over the galaxy, and we made them take notice. They expected to fight asari on Thessia, turians on Palaven, batarians on Khar’shan, but what they got was turian bombardments covering vorcha troops using human tactics in asari streets. It was perhaps due to this complexity that BROADSIDE did not go as planned. We sought a way to defeat a numerically superior ground force with little loss of life, but there was no sure strategy to adopt. When we innovate, our enemy adapts. Yes, we’ve seen losses, but a war worth fighting does not come without a cost.
Take inspiration in that. I know it is discouraging to fight for alien real estate when we have not yet taken the battle to your own homeworld. Operational secrecy prevents me from saying exactly when we will deploy and in what strength. All I can say to those who are waiting is one word:
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Overwatch
Operation OVERWATCH drops troops on Earth to tackle the most secure Reaper strongholds. Reaper anti-air defense will make for high-risk shuttle extractions.
“Operation Overwatch Success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation OVERWATCH
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
By now you have probably heard that Operation OVERWATCH succeeded on many fronts. Frankly, I would not be surprised if this message goes unread until tomorrow due to excessive celebrating. You have struck the Reapers where they are strongest and lived to tell the tale. Credit goes to you, to those shuttle pilots who retrieved your teams, and to the many personnel who supported and planned the missions.
But I also want to speak to some of what you may be seeing in the media soon. Eventually, it will be public knowledge that we had operations on Earth, retrieving data and personnel necessary for the military and economic well-being of the galaxy.
This success will bring hope to billions of people. It will also enrage some of them. Be prepared for the tough questions – when are we starting our full-scale assault? Why retrieve this helium-3 magnate but not another one, or save my loved ones? Who are you to play God?
There are no good answers to these questions. The reality is, the Reapers have almost every conceivable advantage — numbers, firepower, technology – and we make do with what we have. We strike and retreat because facing the foe head-on would be a disaster. Nowhere is this truer than at Earth.
We have started to give them a death by a thousand cuts. Take heart in this, celebrate, and relax tonight. Tomorrow morning, we will get down to business, because there’s nine hundred and ninety left to go.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Olympus
Increased Reaper activity has been reported around London. Operation OLYMPUS will focus large-scale strikes on the Reapers to buy the Resistance time to investigate.
“Operation Olympus Success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation OLYMPUS
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
I am pleased to report that Operation OLYMPUS has netted us extremely valuable intel. With N7 troops engaging the enemy, the Resistance was able to lure a Reaper destroyer into a kill zone and bring it down. They were able to retrieve portions of its memory databases before withdrawing from the battlefield.
While we do not yet know what this new data will reveal, rest assured it will be put to good use. I don’t need to tell you that logs from a Reaper’s memory could prove invaluable. If we can decipher when and why it received the orders it did, we can start to predict their battle strategies, and that improves our chances both on Earth and throughout the galaxy.
The geth viewed the Reapers as gods, creatures beyond our understanding. We know that’s not true. We may not have knocked them off their pedestal today, but we have come one step closer to seeing them fall.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Alloy
A training center will only take a recruit so far. Our recruits need field experience, so it’s time to integrate them with seasoned squads during our next series of sweeps.
“Operation Alloy Success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation ALLOY
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
It is now common knowledge that Operation ALLOY did not go strictly as planned. Sweeps in what should have been relatively low-risk areas were met with heavy enemy resistance. Fortunately, reports from the field indicate that our troops persevered and were able to strike back. I’ve already been informed of a number of well-deserved promotions. In light of these reports, Operation ALLOY has been deemed a success.
Over the next few days you’ll likely hear many stories about our talented new recruits. I would also like to congratulate the experienced soldiers who fought alongside them. It is under your guidance and leadership that these new recruits excelled. They are now prepared to join our forces on the front lines, and we are all stronger for it.
While we celebrate Operation ALLOY’s success, we need to be aware that the unexpected resistance faced by our soldiers may be symptomatic of a larger issue. We’ve been receiving a number of strange reports that are inconsistent with our knowledge of Reaper ground troop movement. At this point, intel is vague at best. Rest assured we are pursuing the matter.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Vigilance
Unexpected attacks have taken out several squads and damaged vital Alliance equipment. We will deploy drones to repair damage and investigate the nature of these attacks.
“Operation Vigilance Failure
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation VIGILANCE
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
As mentioned in previous communications, we’ve seen a number of reports describing unusual enemy activity. Operation VIGILANCE was prompted by the latest in a string of unexpected attacks. I regret to inform you that the operation has failed.
Before our drones could complete their assignments, our troops were overrun by enemy forces. It is clear they knew what we were trying to do. Our troops were forced to salvage what they could before withdrawing from the battlefield. While we will put the salvaged materials to good use, we’ve learned very little about the initial attacks or how we might counter similar attacks in the future.
We will continue our investigation. I know that comes as little consolation to those involved. To you, all I can say is that you must stay alert and rely on your fellow soldiers. The Reapers have a plan. We must be ready for anything.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Patriot
Cerberus continues to put pressure on our troops, hindering our fight against the Reapers. Our allies have committed their top military units to target Cerberus’ most valuable assets: their Atlas Mechs.
“Operation Patriot Success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation PATRIOT
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
Cerberus has been a thorn in our side since this war began. Thankfully, due to the overwhelming success of Operation PATRIOT, that pain has been greatly reduced. While it would be naïve to say that Cerberus won’t recover, it will take them time to rebuild–time we can use to focus on the Reapers.
Our teams destroyed a host of Atlas mechs, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. The drones we deployed captured Cerberus data detailing unusual Reaper movement and intelligence. Ballistic analyses and postmortem examinations conducted by Cerberus scientists confirm a new offensive strategy, and this Reaper intel will further our cause.
To the Operation PATRIOT squads: You represent the very best of your respective militaries. More than that, you represent the very best of our allied army as a whole. It is by trusting in the strengths of our allies that we will succeed. This galaxy belongs to all of us, and we will defend it together.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Overdrive
Based on intel recovered during Operation PATRIOT, we are anticipating a massive strike from the Reapers on multiple fronts. Our information officers and special-ops teams stationed behind enemy lines require immediate extraction.
“Operation Overdrive Success!
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation OVERDRIVE
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
Congratulations must be extended to the troops that helped pull off Operation OVERDRIVE. Through your ability to mobilize quickly and work under pressure, many lives were saved. I want you all to take strength from your accomplishments today. You will need that strength in the days to come.
We have received eye-witness testimony of Collectors on the battlefield. This has been confirmed by our researchers who have been busy analyzing the Cerberus data recovered from Operation PATRIOT. The Collectors emerged from dark space on relatively low-velocity transport ships, allowing them to maintain a low profile while our attention was focused on the Reapers. It is believed that their arrival was meant to function as deadly reserves, wiping out pockets of resistance while our troops engaged the Reapers.
The Collectors are formidable enemies, but they will not find us so easy to wipe out. When the time comes, you must all be ready to face them.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Bloodlust
The krogan continue to be formidable allies. We will be lending the krogan army assistance in their next series of strikes against the Reapers.
Note: This operation could contradict a playthrough where no krogan War Assets are gained, even if some krogan support is always available at certains times during The Reaper War.
“Operation Valkyrie
An elite asari unit recently recovered shipments of Alliance weapons that had been intercepted by Cerberus. The weapons will soon be delivered to the front lines where they belong. With fresh supplies and skilled reinforcements, we were able to increase the number of targets planned for our next assault.
“Operation Jackhammer
Data collected by our combat drones has identified key enemy strongholds. Over the next few days, we go on the offensive as small biotic strike teams hit a number of strategically significant targets.
Blast Furnace[]
“Operation Blast Furnace
Resistance movements across the galaxy continue to fight. We will provide these groups with literal firepower, allowing them to stand their ground and protect our homeworlds.
“Operation Gearhead
Intel reveals that hostile forces are targeting our technical experts to damage our strategic capabilities. They must fail at this! Keep our people alive and inflict disproportionate losses wherever the enemy attempts this tactic.
“Operation Privateer
Cerberus’s hit-and-run attacks in the Terminus Systems have tied down a disproportionate number of local fighting ships and operations. We can spare only a small, elite force to eliminate the enemy. This force has the secondary objective of analyzing and finding a weakness in Cerberus’s kinetic barrier technology, which is key to bringing down large-scale hardened barriers.
“Operation Privateer Success!
Congratulations, everyone! You didn't just hit the Allied Goal, you fired an M-920 Cain round straight at it!
“Operation Detonator
Recent setbacks have prompted changes in unit composition. Turian cabal theory is now dominant training paradigm. N7 units will now be deployed with pairs or higher percentages of biotics wherever available to maximize effectiveness.
“Operation Onslaught
Losses of industrial capacity have caused shortages of specialized weapons on several fronts. Population centers must be reclaimed for us to rebuild munitions factories, and N7s will lead recon and assault teams to prep the way for regular infantry to take the territory.
“Operation Alamo
The Reapers are taking advantage of our forces being spread thin and are making a push for Menae. Alliance Intelligence predicts that the Reapers are luring us into committing large-scale defenses to the moon that they will wipe out. Our counter-strategy is to insert small, stealthy units to conduct disruptive offensives and hold the firebase during their hopefully weakened attacks.
“Operation Prophecy
Our successes on Earth have given us the capability to land materiel in several war zones. However, in order to conceal shipments to the resistance, each delivery needs corresponding strikes on Reaper targets to create a screening distraction. The operations to deliberately gain Reaper attention are extremely high-risk and will require increased numbers to spread thin Reaper reaction forces. For this mission, N7 commanders, wherever possible, will recruit and command supplemental volunteer units: recent graduates of our N7 program and soldiers who bring experience from other branches.
“Operation: Prophecy Success
From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation PROPHECY
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only
Soldiers of the Milky Way –
As operation PROPHECY comes to a close, I want you to know you have succeeded. This is not only important for our human soldiers who are seeing the devastation on our homeworld but also for our allies. Earth remains the symbol of what we can accomplish and what we cannot accomplish – yet.
PROPHECY managed to give the resistance a necessary shot in the arm. We improved communications between the disparate forces; we delivered ships and armored vehicles to help even the odds; and most importantly, we kept hope alive where there would otherwise be none.
The loss of life on our homeworlds makes it easy to believe that this moment is the end of the world or the end of the galaxy, but I cannot believe that. Since time was first recorded, there have been thousands of supposed prophets telling myths about when the end will come, and they have all been proven wrong. We will make it through this, too… but it will be a fight to get there.
Good work.
–Admiral Hackett
“Operation Genesis
Casualties and battle fatigue have worn down some of our best units. We are cycling out soldiers whose tours of duty have been hyperextended and substituting fresh troops from human colonies. Experienced commanders are expected to stay on duty, maintain unit cohesion, and hold new recruits to N7 standards.
“Operation Geronimo
Reaper units are identifying and targeting our team medics. To counter, we are increasing training in battlefield medicine for all N7 soldiers, regardless of specialty. By ensuring each soldier can deliver emergency care, we will confuse and frustrate the Reapers into abandoning their strategy.
“Operation Ballistic
Recon has new estimates on the number of Reaper creatures, and the news is dire. Each of you must inflict as many casualties as possible, and we must destroy husk-creation mechanisms like Dragon’s Teeth. If we fail to accomplish this, we will be even more outnumbered in the coming days.
“Operation Firestorm
The Reapers have changed their tactics in an effort to prevent us from whittling them down. As they conquer rural areas, their fighting groups are fewer but larger, making them more difficult to assail. Accordingly, we are hitting them in the cities to deliver as much damage as possible before evacuation.
“Operation Nightfall
Our concentration on Reapers and Cerberus forces has allowed Reaper-controlled geth to flourish in pockets outside of the Perseus Veil. Our quarian-led and quarian-advised forces will be the key to terminating a geth offensive before it gains ground.
Note: This operation could contradict a playthrough where no quarian War Assets are gained, even if some quarians who left the flotilla are helping the war effort.
“Operation Heartbreaker
The number of Banshees on the battlefield has suddenly increased. We believe the Reapers are improving their means of creation, and we need to recover as many Banshee bodies as possible for analysis. Use cautious tactics – and try not to get your heart ripped out.
“Operation Tribute
A surprise Reaper assault inflicted deeply-felt casualties on our N7 teams and interrupted supply lines to several worlds. Many units will have to rely on standard-issue sidearms and munitions. We must honor and avenge our comrades who fell – and let the Reapers know this was a mistake, not a victory.
“Operation Impact
Recent losses have prompted us to incorporate troop reinforcements from unorthodox sources. These teammates were selected for their insight into anti-Reaper tactics. Integrating their techniques is a mission-critical objective.
“Operation Lodestar
We are coordinating the largest-scale attack in the brief history of this war. N7 unit actions will pave the way for resistance and conventional forces trying to retake the population centers of our homeworlds. There is no retreat. When an objective is finished or a target destroyed, you will immediately focus on the next. Our assets will provide cover to network ships that will update your targets in real-time. Rally points are at your disposal in the event that all space assets meet with catastrophic casualties. From there, you will fight as your CO sees fit or until further orders arrive.
I cannot fully express my deep respect for all of you, the sapients of the Milky Way who serve together under our banner. When future generations look back on this war, they will see the courage and commitment it takes to change the fate of a galaxy. It has been a hard road, but at last: the end is in sight.
Finish it.
–Admiral Steven Hackett
- Operation TRIBUTE is dedicated to the memory of actor Robin Sachs, who voiced Zaeed Massani and who passed away on February 1st, 2013. The operation goals are earning points with the M-8 Avenger and Inferno Grenades, referencing Zaeed's old Avenger rifle and his loyalty power in Mass Effect 2.