Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayPylos NebulaSatent System Fifth planet

Prerequisite: Star Chart from Baria Frontiers store (Mass Effect 2)


An unremarkable methane-ammonia gas giant, Nataisa would be of no consequence if it weren't the only approachable gas giant in the Satent system. Boro's volus colony has set up a few automated ice cracking stations around the planet and Narhu Combine has been contracted to set up a helium-3 extraction facility. Construction has lagged due to the CEO's arrest in a kickback scandal that reaches to the highest levels of the Vol Ministry of the Frontier.

Mineral Deposits

Initial Scanner Result: Moderate

Mineral Amount Approximate Value
Palladium Low 4,900
Platinum Medium 7,800
Iridium Low 4,700
Element Zero None 0