Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Nathak are scavenger creatures which may be mentioned by several people but never encountered by Commander Shepard. They appear to live out on Noveria; Lorik Qui'in tells Shepard that there's nothing outside Port Hanshan but snow and hungry nathak.

The well-travelled Wrex seems to be familiar with them, claiming a dead salarian near the tram access at Central Station will soon be eaten by nathak and there's no point burying him. He also uses them as an analogy for attacking the gatehouse on Therum which is heavily defended by geth turrets, saying that "only a fool punches a nathak in the mouth, you should sneak around and pull its tail".

Cut Content[]

  • Nathak were wolf-like creatures that would have been encountered on the Noveria driving level and the Peak 15 Central Station. They would have used the varren skeleton and animations. However, they were cut due to art scheduling constraints.