Doctor Chakwas would like a bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy but hasn't been able to find one.
Anytime after gaining full access to the Normandy SR-2 and the rest of the galaxy, speak with Doctor Chakwas on the crew's quarters deck of the ship and ask if there's anything she needs. This reveals that she lost a bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy when the original Normandy was destroyed. She has sought to replace it but hasn't been able to find one.
The bottle can be bought at any of the planetside hubs in the game. Note: The Dark Star Lounge is the only location where the drink is free. The terminal interface asks if you wish to purchase the brandy, though no credits are actually deducted if you do. The brandy costs 1000 credits at the other three locations, and it isn't eligible for any discounts.
- Omega - upper level of Afterlife Club, a bottle next to a bartender
- Citadel - Dark Star Lounge, on a terminal next to a bartender
- Illium - Eternity, on the drink kiosk beside Matriarch Aethyta
- Tuchanka - Ratch's Wares inside the Urdnot Camp
The brandy can be bought as soon as possible from Omega. Omega and the Citadel are available right after you gain the ability to explore the galaxy, while Illium and Tuchanka are unlocked only after progression on certain missions. Additionally, the game initially deposits you to within landing distance of Omega.
Upon giving the brandy to Doctor Chakwas, you can opt to have a drink with the doctor right away, or put it off for later. The assignment is considered complete in the journal, but the experience and medi-gel upgrade are only awarded after drinking with the doctor.
Once you have a drink with Chakwas, she reminisces about an incident with Kaidan Alenko and Corporal Richard L. Jenkins, claiming that soldiers like Jenkins are what makes the Alliance great, lamenting that Cerberus lacks personnel with the same "enthusiasm". She can also divulge her reasons for leaving the Alliance. She can also reveal that she is working with Cerberus partly out of a sense of obligation to Joker, who will not admit that he needs help with his Vrolik syndrome. And lastly, Chakwas can gush about Shepard being the glue that binds the mission together.
After each bout of introspection, you will have the opportunity to toast to the topic at hand, ending the drinking session, or continue on to the next topic, where you can also toast to the present topic or any of the previous ones. If you let it play out to the end you will have a choice of five topics to make a toast for. If you toast to the fallen, you will namedrop Jenkins, Charles Pressly, and the squadmate who died on Virmire. In all outcomes, the session ends with Shepard swaying in a drunken stupor for a few minutes due to the potency of the brandy. Doctor Chakwas can be found passed out on a nearby examination bed.
Chakwas will later comment on the drinking incident. If all of the various investigate options were chosen during their last conversation, morality points are available in this second conversation when the doctor gives Shepard a chance to "vent" out of fairness. Regardless of how this final conversation goes, it concludes with Doctor Chakwas suggesting they make a yearly tradition of drinking a bottle of brandy together; she promises to pay for the next one.
Tip: The simplest way to unlock the final conversation after the drink is to go to a different deck on the Normandy and then return to the med bay.
Mass Effect 3 Consequences[]
If you shared the brandy with Dr. Chakwas, in Mass Effect 3 if you allowed her to stay on as the Normandy's doctor, she will ask to have another drink with the Commander as part of their promise to have one every year—despite a full year not having actually passed yet. Again you can oblige her request, or tell her to save it until after the Reapers are defeated, though either way she won't be as wasted as she has learned some moderation.
Mission Summary[]
- Experience rewards: 40
- Upgrades: