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Mass Effect Wiki
Old Skinner

A group of settlers have created a cult to worship a massive machine they call "Old Skinner". Their leader, Bishop, left to pay a tribute in Kurinth's Valley but has not returned.


Prerequisite: Settling Kadara

Talk with Christmas Tate in Ditaeon outpost MEA Outpost Map Icon on Kadara (marked with aMEA New Mission Map Icon).

You can also start this mission by reading the datapad next to Bishop.

Before leaving Ditaeon, find the building with Nesi Cartar. Head to the east of her in the same building, and near a salarian and human female, there is an Adapted Initiative Core Tech that can be scanned for +100 Rd icon milkyway orange.


Search for Bishop[]

Bishop went to the far northwest of the map in Kurinth's Valley. On your approach, there is an Architect floating in the air. At the navpoint MEA Tracked Objective Map Icon is the remains of Bishop and his datapad. Listen to the datapad and an audio log with Bishop’s final words plays.

Defeat the Architect[]

Taking down the Architect is a four-phase fight: destroy the three leg conduits and finally the head conduit.

The Architect has devastating weapons so keep moving to avoid getting hit. The Architect also spawns Remnant forces in waves.

Refer to the Architect page here for detailed tactics on taking down this impressive enemy.

Follow the Architect[]

Clear out the Remnant[]

Destroy conduits[]

Destroy head conduits[]

You get +2660 XP for destroying the Architect.

Interface with the Architect[]

+400 AVP AVP icon and +10% Kadara viability is awarded.

Looting the Architect container yields the following:

There is also an Adaptive Remnant Core Device in the area that can be scanned for +100 Rd icon remnant orange.


You can return to Christmas Tate to report about what happened.

The defeated Architect is floating in Kadara's atmosphere: "Architect Husk: Kadara". It can be looted from the Tempest using the Galaxy Map (+50 Rd icon remnant orange).


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