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Mass Effect Wiki
There's probably no quarian who isn't struggling nowadays

A quarian named Kenn is trying to raise enough money to leave Omega, but is being undercut by Harrot, a powerful merchant.


Speak with Kenn at Kenn's Salvage on the lower level of Omega. Inquire about Harrot, which comes up after you haggled down Kenn's prices through Paragon or Renegade persuasion or you did neither and selected the middle responses to keep the conversation going.


The simplest way to complete this assignment is to give Kenn the 1000 credits he needs to get off the station. This option rewards you with 5 Paragon points.

Kenn working in his rundown shop

You can also go to Harrot and confront him about the matter. Telling Kenn you'll talk to Harrot is optional, since the assignment already points you to the elcor.

With high enough Paragon or Renegade, you can convince Harrot to leave Kenn alone: either you physically threaten Harrot, or you convince him to put the quarian out of business by buying him out. Either results in 5 morality points in either direction and discounts to both Harrot's Emporium and Kenn's Salvage, if you haven't negotiated with Kenn yet for the latter. Note: If you haggled with Kenn previously then the two discounts to Kenn's Salvage won't stack, you only get the flat ~16.7% discount.

To maximize morality points for this assignment, threaten to break Harrot's legs. After that, go to Kenn and give him his 1000 credits so he can get off Omega. Note: While haggling with Kenn for the discount also yields morality points, they can be obtained prior to this assignment and thus not actually part of it.

Kenn abandons his kiosk in one of two ways: you buy his ticket, or Harrot buys him out. In either scenario the discount to Kenn's Salvage will still be valid if it was previously negotiated. No one replaces Kenn behind the counter at the kiosk.

Mission Summary[]

  • Experience reward: 40 (50)


  • This assignment is referred to as "(Omega:) Extinguishing Sun" within the game's internal data.[1]


  1. Plot Database: LE2.Hubs.Omg_Hub.RP_Extinguishing_Sun."