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Mass Effect Wiki
Nexus operations location

The Operations wing of the Nexus is the main administrative and security hub of the Nexus space station.


The Operations wing of the Nexus is broken down into two distinct sections: colonial affairs on the upper level and operations offices on the lower level joined by a set of wide stairs.

The colonial affairs section includes Foster Addison's office, which looks like the bridge of a star ship with a commanding view of the Nexus' two long arms extending off into space. Additionally, the offices of Nakmor Kesh, Nexus Superintendent and Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative are located nearby. This area also connects to the Pathfinder HQ section.

The operations section contains militia offices, security offices and holding cells for criminals. There is also a temporary science area where Professor Herik and his team do research to aid the Initiative. Tiran Kandros, Nexus security chief, can be found in the militia office along with a terminal for Strike Teams missions. Liam Kosta can also be found hanging out in the militia office. There is an arms dealer near the prisoner holding cells that sells a limited stock of weaponry and upgrade modules. This area also connects to the tram system for travel to the Hyperion and other parts of the Nexus.


Found in Nakmor Kesh's office on a table:

Same shit, different day

For posterity, in case the Initiative goes belly-up.

The Nexus is a four-ring circus. Don't like how Tann operates, and his disdain for the krogan is obvious. I believe his intentions are ultimately good, but he's an opportunist who's likely to create dissent. I don't see the Nexus coming together if he's left unchecked.

It's already polarizing Addison--she's taking the cue to circle the wagons. I think I can talk to Kandros about this and at least try to get the two of us more coordinated. or maybe not.

Seriously hate this kind of drama.

Found in the militia office on a counter top:

APEX Status


Based on status report 16-C, it seems we're no closer to gaining a foothold in any sector. Without decent recon and greater intel on this enemy, I'm starting to think our efforts are futile. The risks involved and continued loss of resources and lives makes it hard to justify.

With morale this low, we need to scale down expectations again.


Message traffic found on the security terminal:

Damage Control

To: Tiran Kandros
From: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative


As you're aware, there was a mutiny aboard the Nexus during your absence. Events escalated quickly, but we believe it began with a fire in hydroponics and theft in the armory. Motivations for the uprising vary. Mob mentality was certainly a factor, but for the leaders--including your predecessor, former Security Director Sloane Kelly--it was a conscious betrayal.

There have been perfunctory attempts to catalogue and address the damages caused by Sloane's people during the uprising. Supplies stolen, equipment broken, things of that nature. But I was hoping militia could step in and draw up an official report. It's imperative we know what we are working with if we are going to survive.

Director Tann
Re: Damage Control
To: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative
From: Tiran Kandros

Director Tann,

I need my people focused on defending the station, not taking inventory. If you really need militia oversight, I'll get Sgt. Nels to look at it.

That said, it was my understanding the exiles were more Calix's people than Sloane's. Isn't he the one who started the mutiny?

Re: Damage Control
To: Tiran Kandros
From: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative

Calix Corvannis may have started it, but Sloane made her allegiances clear.

I know she held you in high regard, but I hope you can be impartial when it comes to this task.

Director Tann
Re: Damage Control
To: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative
From: Tiran Kandros

Sloane Kelly's not who I thought she was. There won't be a problem.

Re: Damage Control
To: Tiran Kandros
From: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative

Good! Then you won't object to sending a small and discreet reconnaissance team to find out where Sloane and the exiles might have gone? When we do get colonial efforts up and running, I don't want any surprises.

Director Tann
Report: Exiles
To: Jarun Tann, Director of the Andromeda Initiative
From: Tiran Kandros

Forwarding report from Recon Team 232:

"Trail's cold. Found what looks like abandoned camps in the Pfeiffer system, but none with living inhabitants--only graveyards. The conspirator Irida was among the dead, but not Sloane Kelly."
