Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Mass Effect 2 is based on Unreal Engine 3 and many settings can be modified in a way similar to Mass Effect, allowing the user to mod, tweak or cheat. Mass Effect 2 doesn't have the in-game console that Mass Effect did, but a multitude of effects and in-game commands can be activated through editing configuration files.


Backup Your Career

Using the modifications described in this article may alter your career permanently. It is recommended to backup your career for the option to revert back later on. The career files are found in the folders given below:

  • On Windows XP/2000: X:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\
  • On Windows Vista/7: X:\Users\[username]\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\

Replace X with the drive letter where your Windows system is installed on (usually C:), and replace [username] with the username that you are logging into the system with.

The career folders are named in the format John_31_Soldier_060310 (first name, psych profile/history, class, date of creation). The ME1 folder contains the Mass Effect save files transferred over by Mass Effect 2 Configuration Utility.

Backup Your Profile

There is also a profile file normally called Player1.prf under the same folder in ...\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Profile\ that you may want to backup. This file stores your achievements and bonus power unlocks.


Editing the Coalesced.ini configuration file is the main method of tweaking, modding, or cheating Mass Effect 2. This file is not located under your Documents folder; it is found under the folder where you installed the game.

  • Default location: X:\Program Files\Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Config\PC\Cooked\Coalesced.ini

When you have located the file, there are two important points to take note of before you do actually do anything with it. Also, you may want to reconsider whether you are willing to edit configuration files you are not really supposed to touch.

  1. Make a backup before you even move your cursor over it.
  2. You cannot edit it with Notepad, or the game will crash on load.

When you have this down – and understand the potential unwanted effects on your career/profile – you can start experimenting. If you want to edit the file manually, you will need a text editor that can handle UNIX-format files (e.g., Notepad++) and a way of "rebuilding" Coalesced.ini after your edits; the method is described here. If you made your changes and can't compile the file try using this one, works great even if you previously edited Coalesced.ini in Notepad. A far easier approach is using a specific application such as the Mass Effect 2 Coalesced Editor for making changes. Another rebuilder created by Corvin666 also exists and is simply known as the ME2Fixer.



Changing m_bSkipPowerCooldown from FALSE to TRUE causes non class specific powers to instantly recharge for both the player and the AI (you will likely die before being able to take cover if you become exposed to an enemy with tech or biotic powers when using this).


Variable Description
StormRegen regeneration speed of combat storm stamina
StormRegenNonCombat regeneration speed of non-combat storm stamina
StormStamina determines how long Shepard can storm during combat
StormStaminaNonCombat determines how long Shepard can storm outside of combat


This section is where binds can be added to the game (or removed. Be careful when doing this.) There are several subsections which describe key bindings during various "modes" in the game.


Section Description
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeBase] All SFXGameModes inherit from this class. Bindings placed here would be usable in all modes, including engine-driven cinematics (making this the ideal place for screenshot and fast-forward bindings).
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault] This is the "Default" game mode, where you control Shepard and can move them around.
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeCommand] This mode is activated when in "command mode," where the game is paused, allowing you to give orders to your squad
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeConversation] This is the game mode used when in conversations.
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeCinematic] This mode is used when in-game, non-interactive cinematics are displayed. (While the shuttle lands on a planet, for instance.)
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeGalaxy] This mode is used while the Galaxy Map is open
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeGUI] This mode is used for hacking and decryption mini-games, as well as menus.
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeMovie] This mode is used when pre-rendered movies are being played
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeOrbital] This mode is used when scanning planets. Aside from bindings, several values which govern the speed of the scanning reticle are found here.
[SFXGame.SFXGameModeVehicle] This game mode is used when the player is in the Hammerhead.

Bindings format

To add a new bind to any of the above sections, use the format
Bindings=( Name= "{Name of key}", Command="{Command 1} | {Command 2} | ...", Ctrl="{True/False}", Shift="{True/False}", Alt="{True/False}")
Ctrl, Shift, Alt commands are optional, if they are not specified default value is "False".
The most common use for this is to bind a command to the press of single or combination of keys.

Example Bind

Adding this to the [SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault] section will allow the player to take screenshots while on foot by pressing F8
Bindings=( Name= "F8", Command="Shot" )

Binding Text Files

Cheat bindings can be extremely long and cluttery in your C.ini, and it's awkward to quit the game, edit C.ini and restart just to use a one-time upgrade for a single game. An elegant solution is to simply bind a key to a text file, like so:

Bindings=( Name= "NumPadNine", Command="exec cheat.txt" )

Now, open your Mass Effect\Binaries folder and create a text file named "cheat.txt" there. Anything you would put in the quotes in the [Command=" "] part of a keybind, you can instead simply type in this text file, and the game will execute that code when the key is pressed. What's particularly nice is that you can edit this on-the-fly, ALT-TABbing out of your game and then back in once you've edited and saved the code you want.

Useful Screenshot Commands

See also: PC Cheats#Console Commands

Many of the same commands from Mass Effect are available in Mass Effect 2. The following commands are particularly useful for taking screenshots.

Command Description
ToggleFlyCam Detaches the camera from the player.
Shot Takes a screenshot exactly as it appears on the screen
TiledShot int multiplier int overlapPixels Takes a screenshot at many times the resolution of the screen. More at PC Tweaks#Screenshot Aids.
PlayersOnly Pauses the game, allowing the player to line up a screenshot. Works well with ToggleFlyCam. Using this command again will unpause the game, as will opening and closing the Command HUD.
ShowHud Toggles some of the HUD elements off. Most importantly, the crosshair is disabled.
SloMo float multiplier Allows the player to modify game-speed. Values lower than 1 slow the game down, >1 increases it. Using this during conversations can cause some inconsistency between facial movements and spoken dialogue. Default value 1.
FOV int fovDegrees Modifies the Field of View of the game. Default over-the-shoulder FOV is 70. Setting this will override every game-initiated change to the FOV (weapon-zoom, sprinting, cut-scenes, conversations) until the next load screen.

Unlock All Achievements

Command Description
UnlockAchievement X Replace X with a number from 0 to 61.

Example(Single Achievement): Bindings=( Name="F1", Command="UnlockAchievement 0" )

Full Version(All Achievements): Bindings=( Name="F1", Command="UnlockAchievement 0 | UnlockAchievement 1 | UnlockAchievement 2 | UnlockAchievement 3 | UnlockAchievement 4 | UnlockAchievement 5 | UnlockAchievement 6 | UnlockAchievement 7 | UnlockAchievement 8 | UnlockAchievement 9 | UnlockAchievement 10 | UnlockAchievement 11 | UnlockAchievement 12 | UnlockAchievement 13 | UnlockAchievement 14 | UnlockAchievement 15 | UnlockAchievement 16 | UnlockAchievement 17 | UnlockAchievement 18 | UnlockAchievement 19 | UnlockAchievement 20 | UnlockAchievement 21 | UnlockAchievement 22 | UnlockAchievement 23 | UnlockAchievement 24 | UnlockAchievement 25 | UnlockAchievement 26 | UnlockAchievement 27 | UnlockAchievement 28 | UnlockAchievement 29 | UnlockAchievement 30 | UnlockAchievement 31 | UnlockAchievement 32 | UnlockAchievement 33 | UnlockAchievement 34 | UnlockAchievement 35 | UnlockAchievement 36 | UnlockAchievement 37 | UnlockAchievement 38 | UnlockAchievement 39 | UnlockAchievement 40 | UnlockAchievement 41 | UnlockAchievement 42 | UnlockAchievement 43 | UnlockAchievement 44 | UnlockAchievement 45 | UnlockAchievement 46 | UnlockAchievement 47 | UnlockAchievement 48 | UnlockAchievement 49 | UnlockAchievement 50 | UnlockAchievement 51 | UnlockAchievement 52 | UnlockAchievement 53 | UnlockAchievement 54 | UnlockAchievement 55 | UnlockAchievement 56 | UnlockAchievement 57 | UnlockAchievement 58 | UnlockAchievement 59 | UnlockAchievement 60 | UnlockAchievement 61")

Unlock All Upgrades

Command Description
setintbyname "upgrade name" X Unlocks upgrades. X is the level of the upgrade.

Example(Single Upgrade): Bindings=( Name="F8", Command="setintbyname Tec_AutoPistol 5" )

This code will unlock the Submachine Gun Damage at 5/5.

The following code is a full unlock for the upgrades listed below. Does not include ship upgrades.

Full Unlock(Including Squad Upgrades): Bindings=( Name="F12", Command="setintbyname Tec_AutoPistol 5 | setintbyname Tec_AutoPistolR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_AutoPistolR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifle 5 | setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifleR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifleR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_BioticUpgrade 5 | setintbyname Tec_BioticR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_BioticR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_GruntUpgrade 2 | setintbyname Tec_HeavyAmmo 5 | setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistol 5 | setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistolR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistolR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_LegionUpgrade 2 | setintbyname Tec_MediGel 5 | setintbyname Tec_MediGel 6| setintbyname Tec_MediGelR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_MediGelR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_MiniGameDecrypt 1 | setintbyname Tec_MiniGameHack 1 | setintbyname Tec_ShepardHealth 5 | setintbyname Tec_ShepardR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_ShepardR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_Shield 5 | setintbyname Tec_ShieldR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_ShieldR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_Shotgun 5 | setintbyname Tec_ShotgunR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_ShotgunR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_SniperRifle 5 | setintbyname Tec_SniperRifleR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_SniperRifleR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_TechUpgrade 5 | setintbyname Tec_TechR1 1 | setintbyname Tec_TechR2 1 | setintbyname Tec_BovineFortitude 1 | setintbyname Tec_QuarianShields 1 | setintbyname Tec_GruntShotgun 2 | setintbyname Tec_GruntUpgrade 2 | setintbyname Tec_JackUpgrade 1 | setintbyname Tec_LegionSniper 2 | setintbyname Tec_LegionUpgrade 2 | setintbyname Tec_MordinUpgrade 1" )

Note: After using this code, any additional upgrade that will be collected while playing will be added as a extra upgrade.

  • Example: 5 Heavy Weapon Ammo Upgrades unlocked by "setintbyname Tec_HeavyAmmo 5" will give +75% H.W.Ammo. Any additional H.W.A.Upgrade will give +15%. If all the 6 standard H.W.A.Upgrades are collected, that will result in a total of +165% H.W.Ammo (11 H.W.A.Upgrades).

Warning: If there are already 6 H.W.A.Upgrades unlocked before a code for 5 H.W.A.Upgrades is used, the 6 H.W.A.Upgrades will be reduced to 5.

Name Description Example
Tec_AutoPistol Unlocks the Submachine Gun Damage (Microfield Pulsar) setintbyname Tec_AutoPistol 5
Tec_AutoPistolR1 Unlocks the SMG Shield Piercing (Phasic Jacketing) setintbyname Tec_AutoPistolR1 1
Tec_AutoPistolR2 Unlocks the SMG Extra Rounds (Heat Sink Capacity) setintbyname Tec_AutoPistolR2 1
Tec_AssaultRifle Unlocks the Assault Rifle Damage (Kinetic Pulsar) setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifle 5
Tec_AssaultRifleR1 Unlocks the Assault Rifle Penetration (Tungsten Jacket) setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifleR1 1
Tec_AssaultRifleR2 Unlocks the Assault Rifle Accuracy (Targeting VI) setintbyname Tec_AssaultRifleR2 1
Tec_BioticUpgrade Unlocks the Biotic Damage (Hyper-Amp) setintbyname Tec_BioticUpgrade 5
Tec_BioticR1 Unlocks the Biotic Duration (Neural Mask) setintbyname Tec_BioticR1 1
Tec_BioticR2 Unlocks the Biotic Cooldown (Smart Amplifier) setintbyname Tec_BioticR2 1
Tec_HeavyAmmo Unlocks the Heavy Weapon Ammo Upgrade (Microfusion Array) setintbyname Tec_HeavyAmmo 5
Tec_HeavyPistol Unlocks the Heavy Pistol Damage (Titan Pulsar) setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistol 5
Tec_HeavyPistolR1 Unlocks the AP Heavy Pistol (Sabot Jacketing) setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistolR1 1
Tec_HeavyPistolR2 Unlocks the Heavy Pistol Critical (Smart Rounds) setintbyname Tec_HeavyPistolR2 1
Tec_MediGel Unlocks the Medi-Gel Capacity (Microscanner) setintbyname Tec_MediGel 5
Tec_MediGelR1 Unlocks the Trauma Module (Medical VI) setintbyname Tec_MediGelR1 1
Tec_MediGelR2 Unlocks the Emergency Shielding (Shield Harmonics) setintbyname Tec_MediGelR2 1
Tec_ShepardHealth Unlocks the Heavy Skin Weave (Lattice Shunting) setintbyname Tec_ShepardHealth 5
Tec_ShepardR1 Unlocks the Heavy Bone Weave (Skeletal Lattice) setintbyname Tec_ShepardR1 1
Tec_ShepardR2 Unlocks the Heavy Muscle Weave (Microfiber Weave) setintbyname Tec_ShepardR2 1
Tec_Shield Unlocks the Damage Protection (Ablative VI) setintbyname Tec_Shield 5
Tec_ShieldR1 Unlocks the Redundant Field Generator {Burst Regneration) setintbyname Tec_ShieldR1 1
Tec_ShieldR2 Unlocks the Hard Shields (Nanocrystal Shield) setintbyname Tec_ShieldR2 1
Tec_Shotgun Unlocks the Shotgun Damage (Synchronized Pulsar) setintbyname Tec_Shotgun 5
Tec_ShotgunR1 Unlocks the Shotgun Shield Piercing (Microphasic Pulse) setintbyname Tec_ShotgunR1 1
Tec_ShotgunR2 Unlocks the Shotgun Extra Rounds (Thermal Sink) setintbyname Tec_ShotgunR2 1
Tec_SniperRifle Unlocks the SniperRifleDamage (Scrum Pulsar) setintbyname Tec_SniperRifle 5
Tec_SniperRifleR1 Unlocks the AP Sniper Rifle (Tungsten Sabot Jacket) setintbyname Tec_SniperRifleR1 1
Tec_SniperRifleR2 Unlocks the Sniper Headshot Damage (Combat Scanner) setintbyname Tec_SniperRifleR2 1
Tec_TechUpgrade Unlocks the Tech Damage (Multicore Umplifier) setintbyname Tec_TechUpgrade 5
Tec_TechR1 Unlocks the Tech Duration (Custom Heuristics) setintbyname Tec_TechR1 1
Tec_TechR2 Unlocks the Tech Cooldowns (Hydra Module) setintbyname Tec_TechR2 1
Tec_BovineFortitude Unlocks the Calcified Endoskeleton (Bovine Fortitude)(See image below) setintbyname Tec_BovineFortitude 1
Tec_QuarianShields Unlocks the Quarian Shield Capacitor (Cyclonic Array)(See image below) setintbyname Tec_QuarianShields 1
Tec_HackModule Unlocks the Hack Module for hacking mini game

setintbyname Tec_MiniGameHack 1

Tec_BypassModule Unlocks the Bypass Module for the bypass mini game

setintbyname Tec_MiniGameDecrypt 1


Calcified Endoskeleton (Bovine Fortitude)

Quarian Shield Capacitor (Cyclonic Array)

Squad Members' Upgrades

Tec_GruntShotgun Unlocks the Krogan Shotgun (Custom Claymore) [Grunt Only] setintbyname Tec_GruntShotgun 2
Tec_GruntUpgrade Unlocks the Krogan Vitality (Microfiber Weave) [Grunt Only] setintbyname Tec_GruntUpgrade 2
Tec_JackUpgrade Unlocks the Subject Zero Biotic Boost (Multicore Implants)[Jack Only] setintbyname Tec_JackUpgrade 1
Tec_LegionSniper Unlocks the Geth Sniper Rifle (Custom Widow Rifle) [Legion Only] setintbyname Tec_LegionSniper 2
Tec_LegionUpgrade Unlocks the Geth Shield Strenght 2/2 (Cyclonic Particles) [Legion Only] setintbyname Tec_LegionUpgrade 2
Tec_MordinUpgrade Unlocks the Mordin Omni-Tool [Mordin Only] setintbyname Tec_MordinUpgrade 1

Ship Upgrades

Warning: It is highly recommended to NOT use the codes below, because those may be unlocked but during the Suicide Mission they won't have any effect and squad members WILL die. Also the facial scars can't be healed.

Tec_FaceLift Unlocks the Medical-Bay Upgrade (Dermal Regeneration) setintbyname Tec_FaceLift 1
Tec_ShipArmor Unlocks the Heavy Ship Armor (Silaris Armor Tech) setintbyname Tec_ShipArmor 1
Tec_ShipGun Unlocks the Thanix Cannon (Particle Cannon) setintbyname Tec_ShipGun 1
Tec_ShipScanner Unlocks the Advanced Mineral Scanner (Argus Scanner Array setintbyname Tec_ShipScanner 1
Tec_ShipShield Unlocks the Multicore Shielding (Cyclone Shield Tech) setintbyname Tec_ShipShield 1
Tec_ShipProbes Unlocks the Modular Probe Bay (Probe Booster) setintbyname Tec_ShipProbes 1

Talent Points

Command Description
givetalentpoints int Points Confired after use, Gives talent points to player ONLY, squad members gain 0 points after code is entered. Also if you use [ - ] before the number ( for example -1 ), the Points can be decreased.

Example: Bindings=( Name="NumPadZero", Command="givetalentpoints 10" )

Level Up

Command Description
GiveXP int Points Gives XP to player.

Example: Bindings=( Name="NumPadNine", Command="GiveXP 1000" )


Command Description
setparagon int Points Sets paragon points to specified value.
setrenegade int Points Sets renegade points to specified value.

Example: Bindings=( Name="f1", Command="setparagon 1957" ) or Bindings=( Name="f2", Command="setrenegade 0" )

Power Cool Down

Command Description
EnablePowerCooldown X Enables (X=1) or disables (X=0) power cool down

Note: This ONLY works for common shared skills & bonus skills. This will not work with class specific skills, I.E.: "Infiltrator Cloak".

Example: Bindings=( Name="F1", Command="EnablePowerCooldown 1" )

God Mode

Command Description
God Enables/disables god mode

Example: Bindings=( Name="F3", Command="God" )

Ammo, Medigel And Credits

Command Description
InitAmmo int Points Refills ammo to weapon's maximum capacity
InitMedigel int Points Refills Medi-gel to maximum capacity
InitCredits int Points Sets amount of credits to the given number (Max 9,999,999).

Example: Bindings=( Name="F4", Command="InitAmmo 9999 | InitMedigel 99999 | InitCredits 9999999" )


Command Description
InitPalladium int Points Sets amount of Palladium to the given number
InitIridium int Points Sets amount of Iridium to the given number
InitEezo int Points Sets amount of Element Zero to the given number
InitPlatinum int Points Sets amount of Platinum to the given number (Max 9,999,999).

Example: Bindings=( Name="F6", Command="initpalladium 50000 | initiridium 50000 | initeezo 50000 | initplatinum 50000" )


Weapon Properties

In the subsections dealing with weapon properties, there is a "base template" section in [SFXGame.SFXWeapon] that defines general weapon properties, which are then overridden by specific weapon settings in the other categories if necessary.

Section Description
SFXGame.SFXWeapon Base weapon template overrided by specific weapon settings
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_HeavyPistol M-3 Predator
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_HandCannon M-6 Carnifex
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_AutoPistol M-4 Shuriken
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_SMG M-9 Tempest
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle M-8 Avenger
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_Needler M-15 Vindicator
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_Machinegun M-76 Revenant
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_GethPulseRifle Geth Pulse Rifle
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_Shotgun M-23 Katana
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_HeavyShotgun M-27 Scimitar
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_FlakGun M-300 Claymore
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_SniperRifle M-92 Mantis
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_AntiMatRifle M-97 Viper
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_MassCannon M-98 Widow
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXHeavyWeapon_GrenadeLauncher M-100 Grenade Launcher
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXHeavyWeapon_MissileLauncher ML-77 Missile Launcher
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXHeavyWeapon_FreezeGun M-622 Avalanche
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXHeavyWeapon_NukeLauncher M-920 Cain
SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXHeavyWeapon_ParticleBeam Collector Particle Beam
SFXGameContentDLC_Pistol.SFXWeapon_LaserPistol M-5 Phalanx
SFXGameContentDLC_HEN_MT.SFXWeapon_TacticalMachinePistol M-12 Locust
SFXGameContentDLC_PRE_Collectors.SFXWeapon_CollectorAssaultRifle Collector Assault Rifle
SFXGameContentDLC_Desert.SFXWeapon_DesertAssaultRifle M-96 Mattock
SFXGameContentDLC_PRE_Cerberus.SFXWeapon_CerberusShotgun M-22 Eviscerator
SFXGameContentDLC_MCR_02.SFXWeapon_GethShotgun Geth Plasma Shotgun
SFXGameContentDLC_CER_02.SFXWeapon_IncisorSniperRifle_CER_02 M-29 Incisor
SFXGameContentDLC_HEN_VT.SFXHeavyWeapon_FlameThrower_Player M-451 Firestorm
SFXGameContentDLC_CER_Arc.SFXHeavyWeapon_ArcProjector Arc Projector
SFXGameContentDLC_PRE_Gamestop.SFXHeavyWeapon_Blackstorm M-490 Blackstorm

At least the following settings can be used (added if not existing by default):

Variable Description
AI_BurstFireCount Amount of bursts enemies and henchmen make when shooting from cover.

First number is the minimal number of bursts before returning to cover, second is the maximum.

AI_BurstFireDelay Time enemies and henchmen wait between firing bursts from cover
AI_BurstFireMovingDelay Time enemies and henchmen wait between firing bursts when out of cover
AmmoPerShot Amount of ammo spent per shot
bInfiniteAmmo Infinite ammo on/off (must reload, but spare ammo is not decresed)
BurstRefireTime Delay before next burst
BurstRounds Number of rounds per burst (set to 0 for full auto)
bUseSniperCam If this option is set to "true", zooming with this weapon will toggle sniper scope
CrosshairRange Crosshair size (how far apart it is). First number is minimum range, second-maximum
Damage Base damage
DamageAI Damage multiplier for enemies
DamageHench Damage multiplier for squad members
GeneralDescription ID number for text to show in game to describe the weapon
GUIImage Image of the weapon, that will be shown upon acqusition, when choosing weapon in weapons locker and codex
IconRef Image to be shown on HUD during a fight
InitialMagazines The amount of ammo (x MagSize) given when starting a mission
LowAmmoSoundThreshold Threshold for low ammo warning
MagSize Size of magazine
MaxAimError Maximum bullet drift
MaxSpareAmmo Maximum amount of spare ammo
MaxZoomAimError Maximum bullet drift when zooming
MinAimError Minimum bullet drift
MinZoomAimError Minimum bullet drift when zooming
NoAmmoFireSoundDelay Delay before pulling the trigger and playing "click" sound for weapon without ammo
RateOfFire Rate of fire
RateOfFireAI Rate of Fire for enemies
Recoil Recoil
SteamSoundThreshold Ammount of ammo to be left in clip before playing "running low" sound along with normal shooting sound
TracerSpawnOffset Frequency of tracers (visible bullets)
ZoomCrosshairRange Crosshair size (spread) when zooming
ZoomFOV Sniper Scope Magnification (Bigger Number=Smaller Zoom)
ZoomRecoil Recoil when zooming

Shield Properties

Section Description
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Armour] All armor
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Armour_Player] Player's armor
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Base] Base shield template
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Biotic] All biotic barriers
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Biotic_Player] Player's biotic barriers
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Energy] All kinetic barriers
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Energy_Player] Player's kinetic barriers
[SFXGame.SFXShield_GethEnergy] All geth energy shields
[SFXGame.SFXShield_GethEnergy_Player] Player's geth energy shields
[SFXGame.SFXShield_Player] Player's shield template

Variable Description
bAbsorbDamageOnBreak Shield absorbs full damage on breaking
bFastCoverRegen Shield recharges fast when in cover
bRechargeable Shield is rechargeable
DamageGateInterval Amount of damage shields can take before collapsing
ShieldRechargeTime Time it takes for shields to recharge
ShieldRegenDelay Delay before shields recharge


Change Player Shield Recharge time

You can modify shield recharge time to increase/decrease combat pace to suit your play style:

  1. Find [SFXGame.SFXShield_Energy_Player] section
  2. Add lines ShieldRegenDelay=(X=5.0f,Y=5.0f) and ShieldRechargeTime=(X=2.0f,Y=2.0f)
    • By default shield will regenerate 5 seconds after player avoid taken damage and will take 2 seconds to max full bar.
  3. Change followed line to increase combat pace
    • Change ShieldRegenDelay=(X=5.0f,Y=5.0f) to ShieldRegenDelay=(X=2.0f,Y=2.0f) decrease regen delay from 5 to 2 second
    • Change ShieldRechargeTime=(X=2.0f,Y=2.0f) to ShieldRechargeTime=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f) increase shield regen speed

Note: change any value to 0.0 will cause shield unable to regenerate

Adding/Removing Custom Shepard Face Codes

You can add or remove custom Shepard pregenerated codes in the game:

  • Find the [SFXGame.BioSFHandler_NewCharacter] section.
  • Remove/paste MalePregeneratedHeadCodes={facecode} for male and FemalePregeneratedHeadCodes={facecode} for female commander respectively.

Note: If you have Kasumi DLC installed removing standard face codes will not work, because of rewriting section by DLC .ini file. In this case you have to modify DLC .ini directly.

Unlocking Weapons

Weapons can be unlocked by the same method (binding a custom command to a key in Coalesced.ini). Say you want to unlock the Geth Pulse Rifle:

  1. Find the [SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault] section under BIOInput.
  2. Add: Bindings=( Name="NumPadOne", Command="setintbyname Wpn_GethPulseRifle 1" )

The same process can be applied to other weapons and research upgrades. Unlocked weapons will stay unlocked for subsequent play-throughs for the current career, and it is possible to get all Collector Ship weapons (although you must still have the proper class to actually equip them).

  • To unlock all normal weapons, add: Bindings=( Name="NumPadOne", Command="setintbyname Wpn_AssaultRifle2 1 | setintbyname Wpn_AutoPistol2 1 | setintbyname Wpn_Locust 1 | setintbyname Wpn_GethPulseRifle 1 | setintbyname Wpn_HeavyPistol2 1 | setintbyname Wpn_Shotgun2 1 | setintbyname Wpn_SniperRifle2 1" )
  • To unlock all heavy weapons, add: Bindings=( Name="NumPadTwo", Command="setintbyname Wpn_CryoBlaster 1 | setintbyname Wpn_GrenadeLauncher 1 | setintbyname Wpn_NukeLauncher 1 | setintbyname Wpn_ParticleBeam 1 | setintbyname Wpn_Flamethrower 1 | setintbyname Wpn_MissileLauncher 1" )
  • To unlock all Collector Ship weapons, add: Bindings=( Name="NumPadThree", Command="setintbyname Wpn_SuperAssaultRifle 2 | setintbyname Wpn_SuperSniperRifle 2 | setintbyname Wpn_SuperShotgun 2" )

Unlocking the Collector Ship weapons for all squad members requires a different method, as the weapons are flagged as "special" and do not appear in the normal selection. This is actually more related to changing squad weapon loadouts.

  1. Find [SFXGame.SFXPlayerSquadLoadoutData] under BIOGame
  2. Find the entry: AssaultRifles=(ClassName="SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_MachineGun",bNotRegularWeaponGUI=true)
    • If you change this into: AssaultRifles=(ClassName="SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_MachineGun",UnlockPlotID=Wpn_SuperAssaultRifle), then the M-76 Revenant will be available to all squad members who can use assault rifles if you have unlocked the weapon either by playing or the command give above.
    • If you change it into: AssaultRifles=(ClassName="SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_MachineGun"), then the M-76 Revenant will be always available to all squad members who can use assault rifles.

You can use the same method to unlock the other super weapons for your companions. The M-300 is SFXWeapon_FlakGun under Shotguns and the M-98 is SFXWeapon_MassCannon under SniperRifles (the UnlockPlotID codes are, of course, Wpn_SuperShotgun and Wpn_SuperSniperRifle as you discovered above).

Unlocking Bonus Powers

You can obtain bonus power of all squadmates without doing any loyality missions (or getting loyality achievements):

  1. Open Coalesced.ini and find the [SFXGame.BioSFHandler_NewCharacter].
  2. Find entries that begin with BonusTalents=(PowerClassName="SFXGameContent_Powers.SFXPower_*,AchievementID=*)
  3. Change parameter AchievementID=* to AchievementID=1

Unlocking Squad Special Appereances

This will unlock special appereance for selective squadmates (which are availiable after completing loyality missions):

  1. Find the [SFXGame.BioSFHandler_PartySelection] section.
  2. Find entries that begin with 1stAppearances=(Tag=hench_*,PlotFlag=*)
  3. Change parameter PlotFlag=* to PlotFlag=-1

Changing Squad Weapon Loadouts

Coalesced.ini allows you to define which weapon classes are available to which player classes and companions. Below are some examples to help you get started. Say you want to give Jacob access to assault rifles:

  1. Open Coalesced.ini and find the [SFXGame.SFXPlayerSquadLoadoutData] section under BIOGame.
  2. Find the entry that says: HenchLoadoutInfo=(ClassName=SFXPawn_Jacob,WeaponClasses=(LoadoutWeapons_HeavyPistols,LoadoutWeapons_Shotguns))
  3. Change the entry into: HenchLoadoutInfo=(ClassName=SFXPawn_Jacob,WeaponClasses=(LoadoutWeapons_HeavyPistols,LoadoutWeapons_Shotguns,LoadoutWeapons_AssaultRifles))

This will unlock assault rifles for Jacob in the loadout selection screen. Next the player classes; assume you don't like how the heavy weapon looks on your Soldier's back and would rather revert to a "traditional" Mass Effect style weapon loadout:

  1. Open Coalesced.ini and find the [SFXGame.SFXPlayerSquadLoadoutData] section under BIOGame.
  2. Find the entry that says: PlayerLoadoutInfo=(ClassName=SFXPawn_PlayerSoldier,WeaponClasses=(LoadoutWeapons_AssaultRifles,LoadoutWeapons_Shotguns,LoadoutWeapons_HeavyPistols,LoadoutWeapons_SniperRifles,LoadoutWeapons_HeavyWeapons))
  3. Change the entry into: PlayerLoadoutInfo=(ClassName=SFXPawn_PlayerSoldier,WeaponClasses=(LoadoutWeapons_AssaultRifles,LoadoutWeapons_Shotguns,LoadoutWeapons_HeavyPistols,LoadoutWeapons_SniperRifles))

This would remove the heavy weapon from Shepard, leaving him with small arms only. You can use the same principle to achieve any configuration, but don't try to add more than five weapons. See unlocking weapons on how to unlock Collector Ship weapons for squad members.

Changing Weapon Properties

Coalesced.ini allows modifying weapon properties such as damage, accuracy, rate of fire, or ammo capacity. Say that Shepard has rigged his M-15 Vindicator rifle for full-auto rapid fire:

  1. Open Coalesced.ini and find the [SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_Needler] section under BIOWeapon.
  2. Find the entry that says: BurstRounds=3 and change into: BurstRounds=1
  3. Find lines that say: BurstRefireTime=0.625f and MinRefireTime=0.3f
  4. Change these to read as BurstRefireTime=0.0 and MinRefireTime=0.0
  5. You should be able to empty the magazine with a single burst.
  6. Both your squad and enemies using M-15 Vindicator will now have problems with firing due to AI_BurstFireCount setting, so you may want to modify it to suit new BurstRounds setting. See table above for more detail.

It is recommended to remove the line bIsAutomatic=false for other weapons (if present).

Now the rifle would be out of ammo in no time, so let's assume you want to increase its ammo capacity to the same level with the M-76 Revenant machine gun.

  1. Open the same section.
  2. Find the entries that say: MagSize=(X=24,Y=24) and MaxSpareAmmo=(X=96,Y=96)
  3. Change the entries to: MagSize=(X=80,Y=80) and MaxSpareAmmo=(X=480,Y=480)

To modify the weapon's base damage, you would edit the Damage entry; upon doing so, you might also want to adjust the DamageAI (for enemies) and DamageHench (for squad members) multipliers. This example will not list all possible effects, but you can experiment or look at the attribute listing.

Unlimited Ammo

There are three ways to enable unlimited ammo through editing Coalesced.ini:

  1. Open the properties of a weapon (e.g., [SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXWeapon_Needler] section under BIOWeapon for the M-15 Vindicator) and change bInfiniteAmmo=false into bInfiniteAmmo=true. The weapon will now spend ammo from the magazine and has to be reloaded, but spare ammo will never decrease. Other weapons are unaffected.
  2. Find [SFXGame.SFXWeapon] under BIOWeapon and change AmmoPerShot=1 into AmmoPerShot=0. None of your weapons will spend any ammo when firing and don't need to be reloaded (with the exception of M-920 Cain, which has its own setting).
  3. Changing the "shoot" combat binding to read ( Name="Shared_Shoot", Command="initammo 999 | SwapWeaponIfEmpty | FireWeapon | OnRelease StopFiringWeapon" ) will reset the player's spare ammunition every time the fire trigger is pressed. This affects heavy weapons and DLC weapons that are not in Coalesced.ini (e.g., the Eviscerator). To find this line, search for Shared_Shoot. If using ME2CoalescedEditor this line can be found under the BioInput tab; contained within the menu marked [SFXGame.SFXGameModeBase] (scan through the list of "Bindings" or use the search panel).

Important: having the bInfiniteAmmo tweak with pistols will *not* prevent you from exiting the medical bay when you awake after the Normady's destruction. In order to leave the medbay, you simply need to empty your clip by shooting anywhere. Once your clip is empty, weapon reload will perform normally and unlock the door. Instead of changing all of the bInfiniteAmmo, another solution is to set nAmmoPerShot=0 so instead of having unlimited ammo your weapons will consume none (but this will eliminate the need to reload, though)

Toggle Command Menu

Note: Modifying this line of code inside Coalesced.ini may crash the game's API or prevent it from loading.

The default method to view the HUD screen is to press and hold a key until you want to return to the "action". A different approach is to toggle the HUD so it will stay on by pressing a key, and return to the game when the same button is pressed again. To enable Command Menu toggle find the line in BioInput

Bindings=( Name="PC_ExitCommandMenu", Command="OnRelease ExitCommandMenu" )

and change it to

Bindings=( Name="PC_ExitCommandMenu", Command="ExitCommandMenu" )

