Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Mass Effect 3 is based on Unreal Engine 3 and many settings can be modified in a way similar to Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, allowing the user to mod, tweak or cheat.


Download the coalesced editor from here:

Backup Your File

Before making any edits make sure to make a copy of your original/clean coalesced file.

Backup Your Career

The career folder is located at C:\Users\<UsernamefortheAccount>\My Documents\Bioware\Mass Effect 3\Save\<ProfileName>\ for Windows 7.

(For example, with the username of Admin and the character name of Damian Sheperd the location will be C:\Users\Admin\My Documents\Bioware\Mass Effect 3\Save\Damian_22_Infiltrator_06031_516e172) The numbers at the end are unique to every player and playthrough. Back up the entire Save folder for safety.

Backup Your Profile


Setting the highlight distance to make it easier to find interactable objects:


800 is default, 8000 works nicely and highlights objects far enough out to cover your visible range easily.


The flycam allows you to detach the the camera from the player and fly around the map. It can be used to view normally inaccessible areas of the game or to set up screenshots from alternate angles. To make the flycam work properly you have to set up the fol command...

( Name="F9", Command="ToggleFlyCam" )

Replace "F9" with a key of your choice.

in the following directories...


Toggling the flycam during conversation mode will not allow you to move or look around unless you add the following commands...

( Name="MouseX", Command="PC_LookX" )
( Name="MouseY", Co"PC_LookY" )
( Name="A", Command="PC_StrafeLeft" )
( Name="W", Command="PC_MoveForward" )
( Name="D", Command="PC_StrafeRight" )
( Name="S", Command="PC_MoveBackward" )



Exploration tweaks

Increase the Maximum fuel the Normandy can have:


1000 is default, 10,000 works well enough to let you scan without stopping to refuel constantly while not taking forever to refuel when you do.

Increase the Normandy's fuel efficiency (This lets the Normandy use up zero fuel as she tours the galaxy.):


This controls the speed of moving the scanning reticle when not scanning :


This controls the speed of moving the scanning reticle when scanning. The default is 35, but increasing it to 90 speeds up scanning considerably :


weapon properties

  • Note: all these edits are made using The Mass Effect 3 Coalesced Utility below

-For Unlimited ammo

Go into bioweapon.ini/sfxgame/sfxweapon, fr there change the line

binfiniteammo=false to binfinteammo='''true'''
  • If you alse want bottomless clip/no reload, change
ammopershot=1  to ammopershot='''0'''
    • Certain Weapons (like the smg hurricane) have a special parameter for the ammo per shot. You'll have to find them using the method described below and edit their particular value.

-Individual weapon tweaks

If you want to change the stats of an individual gun, such as fire rate, damage, or recoil go to


From there you can open up the files for each weapon which are broken up into sections based on weapon type.

Properties of individual weapons

Go to bioweapon.ini -->sfxgamecontent -->sfxweapon -->assaultrifle <---DOING IS HERE AS AS AN EXAMPLE!!! -->avenger <---Again, EXAMPLE!!!

Choose the weapons you'd liked to edit.

-What changes what?


maxaimerror = (x= , Y= ) minxaimeror = (x= , Y= )

X and Y fields should be SAME. Bigger values mean less accurate. The above two values fix accuracy when not holding down right mouse, or aiming. "zoomaimerror" is for accuracy while aiming.

maxzoomaimerror = (x= , Y= ) minzoomxaimeror = (x= , Y= )


maxzoomcrosshairrange = (x= , Y= ) minzoomcrosshairrange = (x= , Y= )

Cross-hairs DO NOT scale with accuracy. It is up to you to fix the cross hair size to fit the accuracy that you have modded.


recoil = (x= , Y= ) <-- this is for recoil when not aiming, bigger is more recoil zoomrecoil = (x= , Y= ) <--this is for recoil while aiming


damage = (x= , Y= )

X is value of minimum damage, while Y is va of maximum damage.

Make sure you also fix the following:

statbardamage = (x= , Y= )

to be the same values as the damage that you set. There are two other values for s tat bars: accuracy and rate of fire. These two don't correspond with the values that actually affect the behavior of the gun so leave it for now unless someone else cane update on this...


rateoffire = (x= , Y= )

BOTH X and Y values should be SAME.


encumbranceweight = (x= , Y= )

So far, not known exactly how to edit. Just copy the values from the lightest rifle/shotgun/sniper/pistol/SMG to get it working. This value affects BOTH the weapon's actual weight AND the stat bar for weight. Which means either X and Y do different things, not known which does what. Need verification...

In-game commands

  • as said above the following codes only work if used when you are in command of Shepard and walking around

go into

bioinput.ini/sfxgame/sfxgamemodedefault/bindings = (multiple)

On the right side of the editor you will see a bunch of lines pop up, ignore those. Scroll down to the bottom where, there should be a blank line. (If not go to the end of the very bottom line and hit enter.)

  • Note: all the commands below will in the beginning say -

( Name="NumPad...",Command="... ) The key listed after Name= can be changed to any key on your keyboard, it is simply the key used to run the command. It could read ( Name="F8",Command="... ) if you wanted.

The following Command will unlock every weapon for you in the singleplayer campaign.

<Remember to change the command key to your liking. (look at the *NOTE)

<Copy and paste this Command in the blank line-

( Name="NumPadFive", Command="giveitem self argus | giveitem self avenger | giveitem self cobra | giveitem self collector | giveitem self falcon | giveitem self geth | giveitem self mattock | giveitem self reckoning | giveitem self revenant | giveitem self saber | giveitem self valkyrie | giveitem self vindicator | giveitem self carnifex | giveitem self eagle | giveitem self ivory | giveitem self phalanx | giveitem self predator | giveitem self scorpion | giveitem self talon | giveitem self thor | giveitem self claymore | giveitem self crusader | giveitem self disciple | giveitem self eviscerator | giveitem self shotgun_geth | giveitem self graal | giveitem self katana | giveitem self raider | giveitem self scimitar | giveitem self striker | giveitem self hornet | giveitem self hurricane | giveitem self locust | giveitem self shuriken | giveitem self tempest | giveitem self blackwidow | giveitem self incisor | giveitem self indra | giveitem self javelin | giveitem self mantis | giveitem self raptor | giveitem self valiant | giveitem self viper | giveitem self widow" )

-If you want credits to buy that gun you really want

( Name="NumPadSeven", Command="initcredits 9000000" )

-If you want some more renagade or paragon

( Name="NumPadEight", Command="setrenegade 1000" )


( Name="NumPadTwo", Command="setparagon 1000" )

For God Mode

 ( Name="NumPadZero", Command="God")

Unlocking Bonus Powers

From bioui.ini -->sfxgamecontent -->sfxgamechoiceguidata -->storedata -->bonuspowers -->bonuspowerarray = (multiple)

Remove the ",PlotUnlockConditionalID=XXXX" on the desired powers to unlock them.

For those who cannot find "bonuspowerarray" try looking for "storeitemarray = multiple"(it's just under another name) if u don't have any success concentrate on the "multiple" & try to find it in the "bonuspowers" section.

A more apt option will be to replace the XXXX of desired power with XXXX of a power easily/already unlocked.

For example - one may edit the reave power to become-


XXXX originally was 1276 but i replaced it with 1281, allowing it to be unlocked along with fortification(unlocked after one good long paragon conversation with Mr. Vega), see Powers_(Mass_Effect_3) for reference.

Editing Powers(Damage, duration, upgrade factor, etc.)

Go to Biogame.ini => sfxgamecontent => sfxgamepowercustomaction

You'll see a list of all the powers present in the game. Take your pick & edit the values, to make your power better than ever --Aditya14 07:59, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

Editing Armour Statistics

Example tweak in biogame.ini -->sfxgame -->sfxplayercustomization -->armappearances = (multiple)

For this example, the arm piece of the N7 armor (the first item on the list) is edited to become this:


This piece will now contain EVERY bonus stat available. Copy-paste the GameEffects terms into other armor pieces to give them all stats.

The stats are pretty self-explanatory. Note that "Constraintdamagebonus" is head damage bonus. If you add "_weak" at the end of a term to make it something like "_WeaponDamageBonus_Weak", the bonus is 5% instead of the regular 10%.

If you apply these terms to all 5 pieces of an armor set that you will wear, you will find that they will fill up ALL the stats bar.

It is not sure that the effects stack, hence the uncertainty on getting 100% stats on "full set" armor. Need testing...

Changing Armor Appearences

In biogame.ini -->sfxgame -->sfxplayercustomization -->fullbodyhelmetappearances = (multiple) <- Using the non-customizable armor as an example, in this case, changing the helmet of N7 Defender armor.

The default line for the armor's helmet appearance:


Changing the mesh reference in the line so that it would look as follows:


This would result in the armor using Death Mask helmet model, complete with the flanging effect when Shepard speaks.

Removing the mesh reference completely in the line so that it would look as follows:


This results in the helmet mesh being removed, leaving Shepard without any headgear. Neither modification alters the armor bonuses in any way, and is purely cosmetic.

List of helmet meshes is found in helmetappearances = (multiple), just below fullbodyhelmetappearances = (multiple).

=Unlocking Armor

Go to biogame.ini/sfxgame/sfxplayercustomization/armappearance = (multiple) <- example

Now all that's left to do is to set the PlotFlag for the piece/pieces of armor that you want to -1.

Repeat for every type of armor (shoulder, armpiece, helmet, etc.) that you want unlocked.

Maximum Level and Talents for all Squad Members

You must mod to max out skills first to avoid problems.

-For maxing skills/talents: Go to biogame.ini -->sfxgame -->sfxgameconfig -->levelrewards = (multiple)

Go to the last line and make it this: (Level=60,ExperienceRequired=121400,TalentReward=12,HenchmanTalentReward=17)

-For maxing out level: Go to bioinput.ini -->sfxgame -->sfxgamemodedefault -->0000040c -->bindings = (multiple)

Add this line: ( Name="NumPadOne", Command="givexp 180000" )

While in-game, press numpad 1 to get to level 60 instantaneously.

-For people who already have max level and want max out all skills/talents:

Go to bioinput.ini -->sfxgame -->sfxgamemodedefault -->0000040c -->bindings = (multiple)

Add these two lines: ( Name="NumPadTwo", Command="givetalentpoints 1" ) ( Name="NumPadThree", Command="givetalentpoints -1" )

Now, when in-game, your skill points should be what they are. Press numpad 2 while you are ALONE (not with your squad-mates) to give yourself enough skill points so that when max out your talents, you'd end up with 0 skill points.

Now, go somewhere where you have access to your teammates. Use numpad 2 to give them enough skill points so that they have 0 skill points left over once they're maxed out too


Same trick that worked with Mass Effect 2 will also work with Mass Effect 3. You can assign a key to execute a text file and in-game it will run whatever command in the text file through the console. Doing so makes it easy to change console commands on the fly by alt-tabbing and saving a new command into the text file.

E.g. ( Name="NumPadNine", Command="exec powers.txt" ) Note: the powers.txt file in this case should be placed under /Origin Games/Mass Effect3/Binaries/, along side with Mass Effect 3 Config.

