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The Pathfinder Ranger is a pistol in Mass Effect: Andromeda.


This sub-machine gun feeds data directly to a Pathfinder's SAM, allowing adjustments to the weapon's balance, recoil, and heat buildup. The Ranger was subjected to intense weather conditions in an effort to damage its mechanisms. In dangerous environments, Pathfinders must have reliable tools.


  • Like all weapons in the Pathfinder Elite Weapons Set, the Ranger is not available above Rank V.
  • Despite being classified as a Rare weapon, the Ranger only has 2 augmentation slots.



Rank Damage Rate of Fire Max Clip Size Max Ammo Accuracy Weight
I 25 700 75 225 45 20
II 27 700 75 231 48 19
III 28 700 75 237 50 18
IV 30 700 75 244 52 17
V 32 700 75 250 53 16


Rank Rd icon milkyway orange Blueprint Unlocked Omni-gel canister icon Omni-Gel Canister Iron icon Iron Lithium icon Lithium Element zero icon Element Zero MEA Augmentation Slot For Tables Augmentation Slots
I Level 1 20 80 40 10 0
II Level 6 20 90 40 10 2
III Level 11 20 100 50 10 2
IV Level 21 30 110 50 10 2
V Level 31 30 130 60 20 2
Total N/A 120 510 240 60 N/A


  • In the development menu, all iterations of the Ranger will be found grouped together in the Rank I area.
  • Despite being fully automatic already, the Ranger can have the Automatic Fire System augmentation applied to it. Using this augmentation wastes an augmentation slot and there is no benefit to using this augmentation with this weapon.
