Probes are used in Mass Effect 2 in order to discover resources or landing sites on uncharted planets. They can be launched as part of the planet scanning minigame. On PC, right click scans an area and left click launches a probe. On the 360, holding the left trigger scans the planet and right trigger launches a probe. The planet may be rotated by scanning near its edge, or by using the right analog stick on the 360. The Normandy SR-2 can carry a finite number of probes: 30 initially, and up to 60 after recruiting Thane and researching the modular probe bay. Additional probes can be purchased at a fuel depot, at the cost of 100 credits for 5. This means a single probe generally costs 20 credits, but if the probe count is less than 5 away from the maximum capacity, purchasing probes still costs 100 credits.