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This mission, the first one in the game, does not involve much interaction. It is mainly intended to present you with the events that lead to Commander Shepard's disappearance, taking place roughly two years before the events of Mass Effect 2.


This is the first mission in the game, and is acquired immediately after importing a character, or upon generating a new character. You do not get the opportunity to make any changes to your character (e.g.: adding your first name, background and mentality if you are creating a new character, or changing your classes and/or setting a bonus power if you are importing a character) until after this prologue and a short cut scene.


If you imported a character from Mass Effect, this mission is introduced by a cutscene featuring the Illusive Man and Miranda Lawson discussing their opinions about Shepard's role in the events of Mass Effect. Otherwise you get the same cut scene but with different dialogue between the Illusive Man and Miranda Lawson, discussing the same role Shepard had, but with different outcomes than the player might have actually chosen if they had played Mass Effect 1. It is possible to get a different cutscene that is a text into of the same information, minus the two characters.

When the cutscene is finished, we are taken to the Normandy. In the wake of the attack on the Citadel by Sovereign, Saren and the geth, the Council has dispatched the Normandy on a mission to search for geth. Shortly after the Normandy emerges from FTL in the Amada System of the Omega Nebula, it detects the approach of an unknown ship.

Collector Cruiser attacks

The alien ship attacks with an overwhelming power, causing catastrophic damage to the Normandy. Shepard issues an evacuation order, but is informed by a squadmate (either Ashley, Kaiden or Liara, depending on romance choices or the result of Virmire in Mass Effect, or else the human squadmate of the opposite sex to Shepard) that the ship's pilot, Joker, refuses to abandon ship. After convincing this squadmate to go to the lifepods and evacuate the rest of the crew, Shepard is informed that Joker is still on the flight deck.

Shepard slowly makes his way through the blazing hallways, and through the command deck (which is now exposed to open space as the hull has been largely destroyed). Shepard eventually reaches the flight deck; Joker says that he believes the ship can still be saved, but finally gives up after Shepard convinces him otherwise.

Shepard carries Joker to the escape pod, securing him inside. Before Shepard can enter the pod, however, another attack from the cruiser occurs, and the resulting blast throws Shepard away from the pod. Shepard ejects the pod, sparing Joker's life. A final explosion sends Shepard flying into space, where it soon appears Shepard's suit is rapidly leaking air. Shepard struggles for a brief moment before losing consciousness.

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