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Mass Effect Wiki

Raashel Vier is an archeoastronomer at Pelaav Research Station. She studies ancient cultural records of stellar phenomena, attempting to recover knowledge lost during their Scourge-induced dark age.


The archeoastronomer wanted to learn if there were lost angaran colonies out in the cluster as they could be potential allies against the kett. However, she heard her home was destroyed by Havarl's native wildlife while she was away. All of her research data were there, and she had no known backups.

Mass Effect: Andromeda[]

Raashel's first encounter with Pathfinder Ryder depends whether Kiiran Dals' team has been saved yet. She references Ryder's role in the incident if yes, but if not, she merely mentions being unprepared to meet them even after hearing an advisory about them.

She heard the Pathfinder's there to help so she asks what they're prepared to do. If Ryder responds casually, she uncertainly rates it reassuring, assuming they mean well. If Ryder responds professionally, she notes it's a strong statement that doesn't really answer her question.

Raashel has recently learned that part of her home has survived, but the aggressive animals there are too many to face alone. She hopes some of her research has survived there, so she needs the Pathfinder's assistance. If Ryder initially downplays the situation and declines, she insists the wildlife won't move out anytime soon.

Once Ryder agrees to help, Raashel loops in on comms and points the way to the ruins of her home. It turns out her research computer there is damaged beyond repair, leaving her to declare she shouldn't have hoped if asked. On Ryder's coaxing, Raashel notes there may be backups in Daar Pelaav's network memory center, but it's now buried underground. Ryder finds an access node and successfully retrieves her data from there, earning her gratitude and renewing her optimism.
