Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

The Rosetta Nebula is a largely uncharted cluster in the Terminus Systems. Due to the Citadel prohibition against indiscriminately opening mass relays, previous exploration forays into the area went undiscovered until more modern times. At least one system was known to have hosted a spacefaring pre-Citadel civilization before its extermination from unknown parties.

Mass Relay Connections[]


Rosetta Nebula




  • Originally, Rosetta Nebula had four systems. The missing one, called Iota Urania, can be found in game files of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. This system had five planets, respectively called Walden, Erewhon, Mizora, Pala and Cascadia.
  • After completion of N7: Archeological Dig Site, a news report can be heard on the Citadel regarding the events that took place during the assignment. In it, the Rosetta Nebula is referred to as "Aeia Cluster".
  • The nebula appears to be an inverted (horizontally and vertically flipped) image of M42, the Orion Nebula, and bears little similarity to the real-world Rosette Nebula. Also known as Caldwell 49, the Rosette Nebula is an open cluster in the Monoceros constellation approximately 5,200 light years from Earth.