Location: Milky Way / Krogan DMZ / Aralakh System / Fifth planet
Prerequisite: Mordin: Old Blood or Grunt: Rite of Passage (Mass Effect 2)
Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)
The smaller of Aralakh's hydrogen-helium gas giants maintains a small helium-3 recovery infrastructure. Although the depth of Ruam's gravity well makes it inefficient to export, visitors to the Aralakh system often "top off" their fuel tanks at Ruam's stations. The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (CDEM) maintains a token garrison to monitor any potential sale of fuel to known subversives and terrorists.
Mineral Deposits[]
Initial Scanner Result: Poor
Mineral | Amount | Approximate Value |
Palladium | Low | 4,900 |
Platinum | Low | 4,100 |
Iridium | Medium | 6,400 |
Element Zero | None | 0 |