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Mass Effect Wiki
Wormsign spotted

The Sea of Ataraxia is a vast region of sand on Elaaden. It stretches through the entire area north of New Tuchanka and Hell's Promise, as well as east of Paradise Sands and west of Languish, effectively covering 3 of the 4 boundaries of the explorable area circa 2819 CE.

Massive rolling dunes make traversing Ataraxia by land an arduous affair at best. Prior to any climate changes on the moon, the relative lack of shade from the heat is also a factor to consider. Areas with potential salvage or objectives are spaced far enough that reaching them on foot will, more often than not, take an unreasonable amount of time. Vehicles like the ND1 Nomad will get places slower than usual due to large swathes of uphill terrain, although they're still indispensable for travel compared to walking.

Ataraxia holds many secrets and mysteries as well as potential profit for the intrepid. One of the Remnant monoliths on the world can be found here, as well as the wormlike Abyssal machine ceaselessly churning up the sand north of New Tuchanka. The scavenger Barruk sources his wares from here, since his competition can't handle the more dangerous surroundings. Underneath Ataraxia's sands is a massive cistern of water discovered by Annea, who keeps the location a closely-guarded secret to ensure her powerbase and security.


Allies and Relationships
Heleus Assignments
Additional Tasks


  • Ataraxia generally means "tranquility" in Greek.